AT Webinar: Viewing Low-Stress Networks through an Equity Lens - Tues, March 5th, 2-3pm

Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg for a group viewing of the recorded February APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom. This will be followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.
*AT Webinar: Tues, March 5th, 2-3pm* Viewing Low-Stress Networks through an Equity Lens
Our state of practice has improved the tools for assessing the quality of bicycle and pedestrian networks through the lens of comfort and safety, but – in planning these networks – are we including all potential users? This webinar will examine inclusive strategies for developing plans and metrics that are meaningful across social and cultural demographics.
- Dr. Adonia Lugo - urban anthropologist and mobility justice strategist - Tamika Butler - Toole Design - Carrie Modi - Fehr & Peers
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie