AT Webinar Reminder: How Rapid Transformation Delivers Bike-Friendly Streets, 2-3pm, Wed, July 29, EcoCentre

*** Friendly reminder about tomorrow's webinar ***
Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of the APBP and Green Lane Project webinar: *How Rapid Transformation Delivers Bike-Friendly Urban Streets*.
The webinar viewing takes place in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
** * * * ** How Rapid Transformation Delivers Bike-Friendly Urban Streets
*Wednesday, July 29th, 2-3pm, EcoCentre Boardroom*
Explore how the concept and practice of rapid implementation is evolving and has altered the way cities develop and deliver urban street projects. This webinar previews a new report from PeopleForBikes on the institutionalization of real-time transportation programs and shows how the techniques are becoming embedded as normal practice within city governments.
A developing project delivery technique is transforming the way cities put new bicycle facilities on the ground. Presently identified with pilot projects and rapid implementation, real-time transportation programs are progressing rapidly from outlier status to status quo. PeopleForBike’s research indicates that no two cities have established and evolved these programs in quite the same way, suggesting that the technique is flexible and easily adaptable. The report also delves into the role of leadership and different scenarios for selling the approach. This webinar reviews the origins of rapid implementation and discusses institutional settings, relationships with other parts of transportation, planning and public works departments, the process of project development, relationship to capital programs, and emerging issues. Speakers from Pittsburgh and Seattle provide insight based on their cities’ experience.
- Dongho Chang, City of Seattle - Jon Orcutt, PeopleForBikes - Kristin Saunders, City of Pittsburgh
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie