People Powered photo contest - submit your biking and walking pics!
The *People Powered Movement Photo Contest* addresses a critical need for bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. Bicycle and pedestrian advocates need high-quality images of biking and walking to make their campaigns and communications both professional and engaging. Our nationwide contest builds our online Photo Library, which provides hundreds of images for Alliance members to download and use at no cost. Support grassroots advocacy by submitting your best biking and walking photos for use in the Alliance’s photo library. Enter the 2011 People Powered Movement Photo Contest! * * *You could win:*
- An all-expense-paid trip to Tuscany from VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations - A new bicycle from PUBLIC Bikes - Bags from Ortlieb - Great products from Planet Bike - Helmets from Bern - *Bikes Are Better* products and gear from Fyxation - PLUS, winning photos will be published in Momentum magazine
The contest runs from August 1 to October 31, 2011.
- Online photo submissions will be accepted from August 1 to September 30. - Public voting will open October 1 and close October 31. - Winners will be announced in early 2012.
Official 2011 People Powered Movement Photo Contest Terms And Conditions
1. *The People Powered Movement Photo Contest is open to all*. Eligible photos must be related to biking and walking and be generic in nature or taken in North America. 2. Entrants must provide contact information (valid e-mail address and name) to be eligible to win. 3. To be eligible, participants must enter each image in at least one of the following seven categories. The Alliance reserves the right to switch images to other categories. (See Photos page for full descriptions of each category. 1. *Biking* 2. *Walking* 3. *Biking and walking* 4. *Open Streets* 5. *Advocates in Action* 6. *Women* 7. *Diversity / Building an Inclusive Movement* 4. Each individual is eligible to submit up to 20 photos. 5. Photographs must be in digital format. No print or film submissions will be accepted for entry into this Contest 6. All digital files must be 5 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or .jpg format, and must be at least 300 dpi (dots per inch or pixels per inch) 7. All images must be digitally uploaded. We do not accept mailed or shipped entries. 8. Entrants retain their ownership and other rights to their photos, but they grant the Alliance for Biking & Walking and its member organizations use of the photos for any and all purposes related to charitable work promoting bicycling and walking. 9. Digital Alterations: All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization will be disqualified. Acceptable are adjustments to color, contrast, brightness and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; and black and white conversions. 10. No photos will be returned. 11. *Contest runs from midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST) August 1, 2011 to 11:59 pm EST September 30, 2011 during which contest participants can submit photos. DEADLINE: The final date and time for submitting photos is 11:59 pm EST, September 30, 2011.* To avoid uploading delays, please do not wait until the final days of the contest to enter. Large number of entrants trying to upload their photos just prior to the deadline may cause unforeseen technical problems. 12. Voting period runs from October 1, 2011 to October 31, 2011, during which contest participants are able to vote for their favorite photos. 13. Contest winners will be announced in March 2012, and prizes will be distributed soon thereafter.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie