Pittsburgh introduces Mobility as a Service (MaaS) with Move PGH

Exciting case study on the first MaaS initiative in North America. Here are the basics:
1. *Pittsburgh launched Move PGH, a program where customers can access a variety of mobility services through the Transit app and at Mobility Hubs across the city.* 2. *Move PGH offers e-scooters, bikeshare, carshare, public transit, carpooling services, and mopeds.* 3. *Alongside Move PGH, Pittsburgh is piloting a Guaranteed Basic Mobility program, where 50 low-income Pittsburghers can access all participating modes of transportation in Move PGH at no cost.* 4. *Move PGH is the first mobility as a service (MaaS) project of its kind in the United States. This initiative seeks to make different forms of shared mobility more appealing than individual car ownership.*
Read more: https://learn.sharedusemobilitycenter.org/casestudy/shifting-the-mobility-pa...
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie