Improved Roundabout Design for Cyclists, Rightsizing Streets, PBIC YouTube Channel

*Evaluation of the C-Roundabout – an Improved Multi-Lane Roundabout Design for Cyclists* Research Report: *New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)*
The NZTA research report evaluates field operations of the C-roundabout design, a new design to improve the safety of bicyclists at multi-lane roundabouts. The concept of the design is to decrease vehicle speeds through the roundabout by increasing the deflection of the roundabout and by reducing the widths of approach lanes and circulating lanes so that cyclists are required to travel in the center of the lanes.
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*NEW RIGHTSIZING STREETS GUIDE RELEASED * Rightsizing is the process of reallocating a street’s space to better serve its full range of users. Picture a four lane road that was built thirty years ago in an undeveloped area, but that now has housing, shops, and an elementary school in close vicinity. The needs of the community surrounding that road have changed over three decades – and the design of that road may need to change to meet those needs as well. It may need a sidewalks or a median to help people cross safely, or on-street parking for folks who want to frequent local shops, or other safety features to prevent injuries.
* * * * * PBIC creates new YouTube Channel The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center has created a new YouTube Channel for hosting and promoting its archived webinars, as well as other relevant PBIC videos. The site,, features many of the center’s recent webinars including all webinars from the series on the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials newly updated “Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities” and from the series on the intersection of public health and transportation co-hosted with the American Public Health Association. Webinar recordings also remain available on the PBIC website, .
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie