Webinar: Doing more with bike data

Doing more with bike data *Join us for a free webinar! October 2020*
View this email in your browser https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/alk-about-data-693449-e-UNIQID/4jfcq/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk]
*Next week, join us for a free webinar in collaboration with The League of American Bicyclists!* We are a proud partner of the League of American Bicyclists' Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) program https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/community/4jfcs/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk. As we've talked about before on our blog, in webinars, and during panel sessions at their annual conference, communities that collect bike data are more likely to achieve BFC certification.
Next week, join us for a free panel webinar, co-hosted with the League of American Bicyclists!
Click here to register for the webinar https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/register-2366490280962940687/4jfcv/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk
*About the webinar:*
Bike data is an essential tool to develop, maintain and communicate the success of cycling projects. From automated counters to GPS traces, bikeshare data to crash statistics, data plays an increasingly pivotal role in cycling planning. Sometimes, however, collecting, managing and actually using that data can seem like a minefield.
What are the best practices for collecting data? How can bike data collection contribute to Bicycle Friendly Community certification? How can data be applied for quick-wins in my community?
During this webinar – co-hosted by the League of American Bicyclists and Eco-Counter – hear from leading industry experts, advocates and practitioners about ways in which bike data can be leveraged to make communities more bicycle friendly. We look forward to seeing you there! [image: Facebook] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/EcoCounter-/4jfcx/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk [image: Twitter] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/Eco-Counter/4jfcz/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk [image: Website] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/2020-10-22/4jfd2/171376801?h=tab5-dDgWwxT7V4f7r4eBArS-fmc4avwaMp9PVt_RAk Copyright © 2019 Eco-Counter. 3981 Saint-Laurent Blvd, Suite 604 | Montreal, QC | H2W 1Y5 Office: 1-514-849-9779 | Toll Free: 1-866-518-4404
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie