We want to hear from you!

*Friendly reminder regarding the Open Houses this Tues and Wed for the downtown bike lane system (very NB!) and the West Alexander bike-ped corridor...*
[image: City of Winnipeg - Public Engagement News] http://cowsvpelms01.cityofwinnipeg.ca/t/452336/217461/180/10/ New Opportunities for Engagement with the City of Winnipeg
The City of Winnipeg is inviting citizens to engage on a variety of City initiatives. Please read below for current engagement opportunities, both in person and online.
*Walk Bike Projects*
These events are the beginning of the community engagement process for the projects and will allow you to share your thoughts on the future designs with the planners and engineers. Before beginning to design the specific plans, we want to meet with you and learn from you about what is important to you as we move forward with these projects.
*Open house details*
Downtown Bike Lane System – Connecting The Forks to the Exchange District (Fort Street, Garry Street & The Forks to Assiniboine Avenue Connection)
• Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 • Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Location: Manitoba Children’s Museum (The Great Hall), 45 Forks Market Road http://cowsvpelms01.cityofwinnipeg.ca/t/452336/217461/199/19/
West Alexander Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor – Connecting McPhillips Street to Sherbrook Street
• Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 • Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Location: Brodie Centre Atrium, 727 McDermot Avenue http://cowsvpelms01.cityofwinnipeg.ca/t/452336/217461/193/20/, University of Manitoba Bannatyne Campus
For more information and to provide feedback, please visit City of Winnipeg – Walk Bike Projects http://cowsvpelms01.cityofwinnipeg.ca/t/452336/217461/200/21/. Those who cannot make it to the open houses will be able to provide feedback through our interactive website.
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie