Cycle like the Danes to cut carbon emissions, says study

Cycle like the Danes to cut carbon emissions, says study
*EU could cut its transport greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% if every country's cycling rate was the same as Denmark's*
Europe could cut its transport greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% if every population cycled as regularly as the Danes, according to a pioneering study ( which tracks the environmental impact of cycling down to the extra calories consumed by riders.
If the EU cycling rate was the same as it is in Denmark, where the average person cycles almost 600 miles (965km) each year, then the bloc would attain anything from 12% to 26% of its targeted transport emissions reduction, depending on what forms of transport the cycling replaced, according to the report by the Brussels-based European Cycling Federation (ECF).
This figure is likely to be a significant underestimate as it deliberately excludes the environmental impact of building road infrastructure and parking, or maintaining and disposing of cars.
The ECF is urging politicians to focus less on technologically complex solutions to emissions, such as electric cars, and instead think about the potential for increased cycling, especially given that around a third of motorised journeys within the EU are 1.25 miles or less.
"There's this rhetoric going about that technology is going to save the day. In the end it's going to have to be the political decisions which make the difference in emissions, and it's not just going to be technology," said Julian Ferguson of the ECF, one of the report's authors.
"Things like e-cars will need a massive investment in new infrastructure. But that's almost part of the problem. Politicians like having those massive, awe-inspiring projects, something to change the face of transport. The big advantage of the bicycle is that it exists as a vehicle, it's not just a projected attempt to reduce emissions."
The European commission requested that the ECF carry out the research to provide the first specific figures for emissions produced by bicycles over their lifespan, as against motorised vehicles.
The calculations for bikes included manufacture – the ECF took a heavier, European-style bike as its model, assuming each used 14.6kg of aluminium, 3.7kg of steel and 1.6kg of rubber – maintenance and even the impact of producing extra calories consumed by someone cycling rather than driving, estimated at 175 an hour, on average.
This came up with a total of 21g of carbon emissions per passenger kilometre travelled for a bike, as against 271g for people in a car and 101g for a bus. The impact of electric-assisted bicycles, a boon for older or infirm riders, was almost as low, at 22g. In real life these figures would most likely be biased far more towards cycling, Ferguson said: "We were pretty conservative. We were worried, being a cyclists' federation, that if the figures looked too amazing for a bicycle we wouldn't be taken seriously. So we didn't include infrastructure for cars, or things like parking, maintenance for cars – while maintenance for bikes was included."
Increasing continent-wide cycling to Danish levels would, nonetheless, be quite an enterprise. The EU average is just under 120 miles per person per year, while in the UK it is a mere 46 miles, less than 8% of that in Denmark.
But the ECF says that if the EU is to meet its emissions target, which calls for a drop of between 80% and 90% on 1990 levels by 2050, major changes will be required somewhere, and that transport is a the ideal place to start. From 1990 to 2007, transport-based emissions on the continent rose 36%, while those from other sources fell 15%. It also points to the example of cities such as Seville in Spain, where the construction of segregated bike lanes and other policies saw cycling increase tenfold in just three years.
"It is possible," said Ferguson. "It just takes a bit of political will and a good dose of cultural change."
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Beth McKechnie