Recreation Connections Manitoba is pleased to partner with Green Action Centre to coordinate a new two year initiative - *After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project.* The initiative, funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada Healthy Living Fund and the Province of Manitoba until March 2013, is focusing on promoting and supporting increased access and opportunities for children and youth aged 6-12 years to engage in physical activity and healthy living practices in the critical after school time period (3 – 6 p.m.).
The project goals include:
1) Increasing capacity for children’s physical activity and healthy eating in the after school time period.
2) Improving access and reducing barriers to physical activity opportunities and facilities.
3) Promoting active and safe routes to and from school.
One of our first steps is to collect some basic information about what is currently happening in Manitoba in regard to after school programming. If you provide programming for *children aged 6 to 12 years* during the *3 – 6 p.m.* time period, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete the on-line survey by clicking on the link below, no later than *April 14, 2011*. A draw for an activity/game equipment & resource kit with a value of approximately *$200* will be made from all completed surveys meeting the deadline date.
We are attempting to make this provincial survey as inclusive as possible and this request is being sent out to various organizations across the Province. However, we are aware that our mailing list does not include all after school providers. If you represent an organization/network with a number of service providing entities, we would ask that you either complete the survey on their behalf, if appropriate, or forward the request to the various members. If you are aware of additional after school programs that may have been missed, please forward the request to them as well. Please be aware that we have distributed the survey to the following groups with multiple programs/sites - Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg, City of Winnipeg Community Services Department, General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres, YMCA-YWCA, Youth for Christ, Lighthouses, Coalition of Community Based Youth Serving Agencies, Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres. We apologize in advance to any service providers who receive multiple copies of this request.
We are in the process of developing a web site related to the After The School Bell Rings project. It is anticipated that survey results will be posted on the web site.
Thank you for your assistance in providing information on your programs and sharing the survey with other providers.
Roy Mulligan
Project Coordinator
After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project
Recreation Connections Manitoba
317-145 Pacific Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6
Phone: 925-5751
Email: recconnections.pro@sportmanitoba.ca
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie