Fwd: PACM - ParticipACTION Releases the 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity and Children and Youth

This year's report card looks at how daily walking and biking improves society's "sleepidemic" as well as an overall AT grade for Canada again.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba (PACM) info@pacm.ca Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:02 AM Subject: PACM - ParticipACTION Releases the 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity and Children and Youth To: asrts@greenactioncentre.ca
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*Canadian kids are inactive and may be losing sleep over it ParticipACTION releases 2016 Report Card and for the first time, assigns a sleep grade*
*TORONTO (ONTARIO) June 16, 2016* – If you think kids can get a little physical activity and then play video games into the wee hours, yet remain healthy, you’re in for a rude awakening. There are important relationships among sleep, physical activity and sedentary behaviour and new research shows that sedentary lifestyles are connected to a creeping ‘sleepidemic’ in Canadian children and youth. That is why, for the first time, the *2016 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth* assigns a grade to sleep and includes new *Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth*. A first of their kind in the world, the guidelines outline what a healthy 24-hour period looks like for children and youth.
*For more information on the 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth including the Highlight Report, Full Report, Fact Sheet, Social Media Kit and more, *CLICK HERE http://pacm.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=470531fad062627cd92cba782&id=e5dab2c00a&e=b9e88b9af6
The Physical Activity Resource Centre (PARC) is hosting a webinar on the Report Card results being presented by Allana LeBlanc the Knowledge Manager at Participaction at 10 am on June 28th. To get more information on the webinar click here http://pacm.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=470531fad062627cd92cba782&id=40ad975b1e&e=b9e88b9af6. (Note: To register for this webinar you must either have or sign up for an OPHEA account.)
*PACM Mission*
The Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba (PACM) mission is to support increased physical activity among Manitobans through collaboration, promotion and educations.
PACM host organization (to 2017) is the Manitoba Fitness Council. PACM is supported by Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors/Manitoba *in motion*.
*Our mailing address is:* PACM c/o Manitoba Fitness Council 219 Provencher Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G4
Visit the PACM website at www.pacm.ca http://pacm.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=470531fad062627cd92cba782&id=551f17f780&e=b9e88b9af6 PACM Coordinator: Roy Mulligan Email: info@pacm.ca Phone: 204-235-1245
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