9 Steps towards accessible public transportation: online community forum Nov 2, 2020
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Together we can improve access!
The Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC), in partnership with stakeholders from across the community, will be hosting *online community forums* (November 2, 2020), to discuss the accessibility of Winnipeg Transit services.
Passengers can experience many unnecessary barriers to taking the bus, and it is time for the community to start talking about solutions!
Forums will be held at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm on November 2 (2020), including a presentation of the *'9 Steps towards accessible public transportation'* document, and breakout discussion groups.
Registration is required, *please follow this link* http://www.ilrc.mb.ca/calendar/2020/9steps.htm, or contact ILRC for more information:
phone204-947-0194 email thecentre@ilrc.mb.ca <thecentre@ilrc.mb.ca?subject=9%20Steps%20Forum> web www.ilrc.mb.ca
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie