New research: increasing sidewalk coverage to reduce GHG emissions

[From the Victoria Transport Institute (VTPI) newsletter]
Lawrence D. Frank , et al. (2011), "*An Assessment of Urban Form and Pedestrian and Transit Improvements as an Integrated GHG Reduction Strategy*," Washington State Department of Transportation (http:// ).
This study used detailed data to assess the impacts of various urban form factors on vehicle travel and carbon emissions. This analysis indicates that increasing sidewalk coverage from 30% to 70% of streets in an urban neighborhood would typically reduce vehicle travel 3.4% and carbon emissions 4.9%. Land use mix and parking pricing also had significant impacts. Increasing average parking fees from $0.28 to $1.19 per hour (50th to 75th percentile) reduces vehicle travel 11.5% and emissions 9.9%. Study results were used to develop a spreadsheet tool that can evaluate the impacts of urban form, sidewalk coverage, and transit service quality and other policy changes for local and regional analysis.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie