WFP Community Review: Mobility fair for older adults to be held Sept. 13

*Mobility fair for older adults to be held Sept. 13*
Options to help some of the city’s more senior citizens get out and about will be explored at an upcoming free community event.
Green Action Centre, in collaboration with the Transportation Options Network for Seniors, will hold a mobility fair for older adults on Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Corydon Community Centre, River Heights site (1370 Grosvenor Ave.).
The fair, which will be held in a drop-in format, will include presentations, information and resources provided by a number of organizations, including the two host organizations, such as Winnipeg Transit, Bike Winnipeg, Easy Street Rehabilitation, Peg City Car Co-op, Plain Bicycle, and Freedom Concepts.
Organizers say the goal of the event is to showcase a selection of local transportation options that older individuals can utilize to maintain a healthy, independent and sustainable lifestyle. “It’s very exciting for us to do this,” Ariel Desrochers, a sustainable transportation co-ordinator at Green Action Centre, said. Desrochers, who lives in Wolseley, said the organization tends to serve younger audiences — with initiatives such as its Active and Safe Routes to School program — and individuals across the board with any number of active transportation initiatives, so it’s especially satisfying to be tailoring the upcoming fair to an older demographic.
She said the event will be helpful to community members with a cross-section of different needs and interests, whether it’s those who are looking for different transportation alternatives, such as people potentially looking for more sustainable alternatives to cars; folks who want to maintain their independence
as they age; or maybe those with mobility issues that are seeking prudent options.
“It’s something I’m looking forward to. When we talk about sustainability and environmental initiatives, maybe older folks sometimes get left out of the conversation. I really hope this event can be inclusive to this age group and help expand their horizons,” Desrochers said. “Accessible travel isn’t always sustainable, so we’re looking forward to bringing these options to older individuals in the community.”
According to Green Action Centre’s website, limited refreshments will be provided. As well, many of the vendors will be stationed outside, so attendees are encouraged to wear comfortable footwear and dress according to the weather. There will be limited bicycle and vehicle parking, as well as street parking.
Desrochers said the fair’s drop-in format will allow visitors to pick and choose what they’d like to see and do.
Go online at for more information.
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Beth McKechnie