Winnipeg Trails Association FALL UPDATE

Hi all,
The Winnipeg Trails Association (WTA) is a coalition of volunteer trail builders and trail users. For the past 6+ years, the WTA's volunteer chair has been Paul Jordan, who is also COO of The Forks. Paul has been providing brilliant direction, guidance and advice in growing Winnipeg's trails network. For the past 4 years, the WTA has been able to secure funding through multiple organizations and levels of government to hire a coordinator for various trail related projects.
This past spring the WTA received a verbal commitment from the Province of Manitoba that project based funding would be forthcoming. As of yet, this funding has not been secured but we are optimistic it will come through to enable the continued development of trailheads, KM marker installations, website, the sharing of information between groups, and broadening the awareness of the benefits of trails - through events and various initiatives.
As the WTA coordinator, I have been volunteering my time since April and am focusing on the following initiatives:
NORTHEAST PIONEERS GREENWAY - Pedestrian / cyclist's separated bridge or 'flyover' The city is spending $110 M to extend the Chief Peguis freeway from Henderson to Lagimodiere - which passes directly through one of the busiest multi use trails in the Province - the Northeast Pioneers Greenway. I am ecstatic to say, through the very very hard work of volunteers AND the support of Mayor Katz, the city will be building a separate pedestrian / cyclists bridge OVER the freeway. Think of the bridge over the William B. Clement Parkway (formerly known as the Charleswood Parkway). From a larger perspective, and in a short few years - this flyover will be part of a stellar route enabling people to travel safely from south Winnipeg to Birds Hill Provincial Park. THANK YOU to Sigrun Bailey, Louise Balaban, Anders Swanson AND Mayor Katz for helping to move this forward. You can catch a bit more info on this project on CJOB news and in today's Free Press.
TRAILHEADS: The trailhead sign design for the trailheads for Harte, Bishop, Cordite and Northeast Pioneers Greenway trails are finalized. The city will include these in their Parkway trailhead sign tender for production this fall. Recall the structures design was finalized and structure installations have occurred on the above trails. This was a complex process to determine the details / requirements for the components of trailheads, but it lays the standards for all future trailheads. We expect Transcona, Bois des Esprit, Yellow Ribbon Pathway and more to be next on the list to complete.
SECURING BALANCE of PROVINCIAL FUNDING COMMITMENT: During the 2007 Provincial election, the NDP made a funding commitment of $1.8M to the Winnipeg Trails Association to construct trails in Winnipeg. Of that amount ~ $1.3 has been used to construct the Bishop Grandin West, Harte, Transcona, and Seine River South trails. We are in the process of securing the remaining ~$500,000 of the WTA commitment to use along Pembina Hwy (between Plaza and Chevrier).
CITY OF WINNIPEG - ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ATAC) As a member of ATAC, I have been attending various meetings and providing input regarding development of the City's AT network. I expect that during the winter, a broad outreach to trail groups and the public will occur to gather additional information for next construction season. Current visible trail and on road construction, news articles, issues, and pending deadlines have all combined to raise a broader public interest - which hopefully engage more people in when the next round of public input occurs.
PROVINCIAL ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY GROUP (ATAG) Last September, the Province of Manitoba formed a Provincial Active Transportation Advisory Group with the focus aimed at providing active transportation recommendations to government. For the past year, the group has been consulting Manitobans, organizations, and reviewing best practices throughout the world. I sit on that group as chair. We have completed our recommendations which will be handed off for internal gov't review next week, and are finalizing report production details. We expect the report to be made public once the Legislature sits again in November.
IN SUMMARY: There are many other projects that need attention, but from my volunteer capacity I am unable to attend to. The role of WTA coordinator in these current times is a very demanding but very very rewarding. IF anyone is interested in learning more about the WTA coordinator position and would like to volunteer on some super interesting projects, please feel free to contact me.
Janice Lukes Winnipeg Trails Coordinator Winnipeg Trails Association 202 - One Forks Market Road Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9 Cell (204) 952-4222 Fax (204) 943-7915
Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group

[Forwarded on behalf of Janice Lukes, E.D. of the Winnipeg Trails Association]
Hi all,
The Winnipeg Trails Association (WTA) is a coalition of volunteer trail builders and trail users. For the past 6+ years, the WTA's volunteer chair has been Paul Jordan, who is also COO of The Forks. Paul has been providing brilliant direction, guidance and advice in growing Winnipeg's trails network. For the past 4 years, the WTA has been able to secure funding through multiple organizations and levels of government to hire a coordinator for various trail related projects.
This past spring the WTA received a verbal commitment from the Province of Manitoba that project based funding would be forthcoming. As of yet, this funding has not been secured but we are optimistic it will come through to enable the continued development of trailheads, KM marker installations, website, the sharing of information between groups, and broadening the awareness of the benefits of trails - through events and various initiatives.
As the WTA coordinator, I have been volunteering my time since April and am focusing on the following initiatives:
*NORTHEAST PIONEERS GREENWAY - Pedestrian / cyclist's separated bridge or 'flyover'* The city is spending $110 M to extend the Chief Peguis freeway from Henderson to Lagimodiere - which passes directly through one of the busiest multi use trails in the Province - the Northeast Pioneers Greenway. I am ecstatic to say, through the very very hard work of volunteers AND the support of Mayor Katz, the city will be building a separate pedestrian / cyclists bridge OVER the freeway. Think of the bridge over the William B. Clement Parkway (formerly known as the Charleswood Parkway). From a larger perspective, and in a short few years - this flyover will be part of a stellar route enabling people to travel safely from south Winnipeg to Birds Hill Provincial Park. THANK YOU to Sigrun Bailey, Louise Balaban, Anders Swanson AND Mayor Katz for helping to move this forward. You can catch a bit more info on this project on CJOB news and in today's Free Press.
*TRAILHEADS:* The trailhead *sign design* for the trailheads for Harte, Bishop, Cordite and Northeast Pioneers Greenway trails are finalized. The city will include these in their Parkway trailhead sign tender for production this fall. Recall the structures design was finalized and structure installations have occurred on the above trails. This was a complex process to determine the details / requirements for the components of trailheads, but it lays the standards for all future trailheads. We expect Transcona, Bois des Esprit, Yellow Ribbon Pathway and more to be next on the list to complete.
*SECURING BALANCE of PROVINCIAL FUNDING COMMITMENT:* During the 2007 Provincial election, the NDP made a funding commitment of $1.8M to the Winnipeg Trails Association to construct trails in Winnipeg. Of that amount ~ $1.3 has been used to construct the Bishop Grandin West, Harte, Transcona, and Seine River South trails. We are in the process of securing the remaining ~$500,000 *of the WTA commitment* to use along Pembina Hwy (between Plaza and Chevrier).
*CITY OF WINNIPEG - ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ATAC)* As a member of ATAC, I have been attending various meetings and providing input regarding development of the City's AT network. I expect that during the winter, a broad outreach to trail groups and the public will occur to gather additional information for next construction season. Current visible trail and on road construction, news articles, issues, and pending deadlines have all combined to raise a broader public interest - which hopefully engage more people in when the next round of public input occurs.
** *PROVINCIAL ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY GROUP (ATAG)* Last September, the Province of Manitoba formed a Provincial Active Transportation Advisory Group with the focus aimed at providing active transportation recommendations to government. For the past year, the group has been consulting Manitobans, organizations, and reviewing best practices throughout the world. I sit on that group as chair. We have completed our recommendations which will be handed off for internal gov't review next week, and are finalizing report production details. We expect the report to be made public once the Legislature sits again in November.
*IN SUMMARY:* There are many other projects that need attention, but from my volunteer capacity I am unable to attend to. The role of WTA coordinator in these current times is a very demanding but very very rewarding. IF anyone is interested in learning more about the WTA coordinator position and would like to volunteer on some super interesting projects, please feel free to contact me.
*Janice Lukes *Winnipeg Trails Coordinator *Winnipeg Trails Association 202 – One Forks Market Road* *Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9* Cell (204) 952-4222 Fax (204) 943-7915 **
*Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group*
participants (2)
Beth McKechnie
Janice Lukes