TED Talk - Janette Sadik-Khan and New York City's streets

If you have 15 minutes to watch, this is an excellent talk by Janette Sadik-Khan, Department of Transportation (DOT) Commission for NYC. While the phrase complete street is not mentioned, it's exactly what she's talking about -- public space, convenient, attractive and safe space for all users, benefits to businesses, and how to use temporary materials to get things done quickly and in a less threatening way to reduce pushback. Plus she's really funny!
cheers, Beth
* * * * * Janette Sadik-Khan: New York's streets? Not so mean any more *Filmed* Sep 2013 • *Posted* Oct 2013 • TEDCity2.0
In this funny and thought-provoking talk, Janette Sadik-Khan, transportation commissioner of New York City, shares projects that have reshaped street life in the 5 boroughs, including pedestrian zones in Times Square, high-performance buses and a 6,000-cycle-strong bike share. Her mantra: Do bold experiments that are cheap to try out. As commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation, Janette Sadik-Khan is responsible for the smooth running of a New York that hides in plain sight... the streets, highways, bridges, signs and lights that make up the bustling metropolis.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie