Active & Green - Bike lab, transit apps, green teams & more

Hello everyone,
Hope you enjoy our latest issue of Active & Green! If you are so inclined, you can link to the e-newsletter at:
thanks, Beth
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. *Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?*
Request resources on cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.
Book a presentation on the various commuting options, as well as fuel-efficient driving, creating a commuter friendly workplace, and greening the workplace.
Talk to us about implementing a Smart Trips at your workplace.
------------------------------ Upcoming Events
Reel Green Film Festival Feb 3-4 (Fri & Sat)
Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge! Feb 11-17
Snow Trek 2012 - 3rd Annual Winter* in motion* Sun - Feb 5, Feb 12
Ice it to Work Day Friday, Feb 17
Bike Dump - Free Workshops Headsets - Thurs, Feb 15 Wheels - Thurs, Feb 22
Clean Air Day Poster Contest Deadline: Fri, Feb 24
Commuter Friendly Workplace Awards Application deadline: Fri, Feb 24
Commuter Challenge 2012 June 3-9
Bike to Work Day Fri, June 22
------------------------------ *Membership*
Green Action Centre continues to promote membership as a way to expand and extend our outreach into the community. *Membership is FREE *and requires no specific commitment. With our new website and bi-weekly e-bulletins, we hope to broaden our reach and keep our members informed on timely and important environmental issues in Manitoba.
If you are not already a member, please take the time to join us Please also pass this along to your friends and family. *Help us grow our membership and outreach.* Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge!
Get out and enjoy the Manitoba winter! Amusez-vous dans la neige tous en célébrant l’hiver manitobaine! Patinez, skiez, snowshoe, walk, bike le 11 au 17 février 2012. Sign up a team today! Many thanks to Manitoba *in motion* for their support of this event.
Bike racks available
The Downtown Winnipeg BIZ your help in locating 30 new bike racks that will soon be added to downtown sidewalks, thanks to a partnership with the City of Winnipeg. Send your requests for bike rack placements to
App that trip!
How many ways are there to find out when and where to catch your bus? Turns out there are plenty o' options. The most recent are transit apps such as iRide , Winnibus , Winnipeg Bus Live (android), Catch it: Winnipeg, and the creatively named Transit App Or check out Winnipeg Transit's mobile site .
Commuter Friendly Workplace Awards
Has your workplace made great strides in providing better commuting choices? Consider applying to the *Commuter Friendly Workplace Awards* These awards are given out to Manitoba workplaces offering exceptional year-round commuter options programs for employees. Last year’s winners include Dillon Consulting (Gold) and Boeing Winnipeg (Silver). *Click here* for more details. Applications are due April 20, 2012.
Office green teams 3.0
The role of the office green committee seems to be changing, and judging from the global and local examples here, this change may be for the better. The 3.0 green team of the future is touted to have a steering committee, direct integration within business values and strategies, and actual financial incentives associated with making change happen.
Awesome carshare videos
Check out Peg City Car Co-op' addictive video series with real, live Winnipeggers talking about carsharing. Amanda on utility, Chris on simplicity, Shauna on cost savings, and Dave on sharing.
UWSA Bike Lab
Students, neighbourhood residents, staff, and faculty at the University of Winnipeg now have a place to work on their bikes or learn how to do their own repairs and maintenance. Plans for the new Bike Lab include safety, advocacy and networking workshops among other activities.Read about it here .
Brandon transit fares halved
How do you get more people choosing to ride the bus? The City of Brandon is trying an unconventional approach This is an experiment worth watching.
23 and 1/2 hours
What does 23 and a half hours mean? It means the best prescription researchers can find for curing what ails you. Sit back and enjoy theseincredible illustrations, then be inspired to take this doctor’s treatment.
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie