Telling people to "Slow Down" doesn't work.

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Lauren at Strong Towns Date: Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 9:37 AM We need a new solution for Traffic Fatalities.
Early on in the coronavirus shutdowns, we saw a sharp decrease in traffic, with some states observing as much as a 50% drop in daily trips. *And yet, traffic fatalities surged.*
In the absence of traffic, all that is left is the road—*and the road is designed for speed,* posted limits be damned.
We've over-engineered our streets to encourage dangerous driving. Now is the time to start dialing it back. *Today, Strong Towns founder Chuck Marohn lays out four simple steps for undoing reckless street design in your place.*
It took decades to build the networks of dangerous and costly streets we now think are normal. It will take time to replace them with something better. Let's get to work.
Stay well,
—Lauren at Strong Towns
Strong Towns
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie