Rossland BC drops speed limit to 30km/h

Rossland, B.C. Speed Limit Dropped To 30 Km/H
A southeastern city in B.C. is bucking the trend to raise speed limits and is actually slowing traffic down to 30 km/h.
The city of Rossland, B.C. announced the local speed limit change last week.
Maximum speeds in the city are dropping to 30 km/h, with schools zones and narrow streets at 20 km/h and drop-off areas at 15 km/h.
The changes are in response to years of public safety concerns, as well as part of the traffic calming effort in the area, according to a city news release.
"Council took a look at it, and we decided that yeah, 30 kilometres an hour is plenty fast," Rossland Mayor Kathy Moore told CBC Radio.
It's also meant to encourage people to walk or ride bikes more often.
Despite the slower pace, the city said nearly everyone will be able to reach a main provincial highway within three minutes of leaving their home.
Last summer, the provincial government raised the speed limit on some highways to 120 km/h from 110.
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Beth McKechnie