Next national series event - Bike To The Future

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Shaun Loney Date: Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 1:52 PM
The role of bikes in designing cities for people. Getting from here to there. [image: Logo]
Upcoming series event:Bike To The FutureRole and impact of bikes in designing cities for people. Thursday July 22nd at 1:00 - 2:30 EDTSeries: What If the Ways We Build Back Better Rewrite the Social Contract?
During the pandemic Canadians started biking more than ever, and it became apparent to many people that so far city planning has focused on moving cars around efficiently. As part of a larger discussion on active transit, this week's series seeks to ask “what could the impact be of instead centering our designs on moving people? Specifically, what if biking was fast, easy, safe, and maybe even the most fun way of getting around? What needs to happen to get us from here to there? (pun intended!)
Join us with special guest Mel Marginet of the Green Action Centre in Winnipeg, as we continue this generative series about shooting for better than “normal” as we come out of the pandemic.
Mel, who is prolific on twitter, is focused on what individuals can do to live sustainably, while also advocating for governments to do their part to make healthy, green choices the most convenient, appealing and affordable for all. We look forward to having her as part of this timely conversation.
By re-writing social contract we mean the rules, written and unwritten, that hold society together. Is there a better time than now to question societal norms and assumptions?
In the series so far, we’ve explored how everyday people can invest in non-profit real estate through community bonds and we learned about complementary currency. Before we take a break in August, we’ll get together from coast to coast to talk bikes.
Encompass Coop and Axiom News invite you to park your bike and jump on Zoom and join a highly participatory conversation…..
Being lit up by new ideas that bring more love, compassion, and kindness into the world. -
Aha moments that excite you. -
A tangible ways of approaching city design that could: -
Increase livability, environmental action, affordability, and maybe our own physical and mental health. -
How about some confidence and inspiration?
Then this might be the conversation for you!
*See you there!*
Lucas and Shaun Register at Eventbrite
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie