350.org Moving Planet Manitoba - Moving to a fossil free future TOMORROW Sep 24

Please distribute widely:
Bring your family, friends, and neighbours. Join us on bikes, on skates, on a board, or on foot to be part of a global rally to get moving on the climate crisis - *TOMORROW Sat Sep 24*. This will be a day of family fun, education, and solutions for the future of our planet.
The celebration will begin at *noon with a foot/bike parade from the Legislature building* down the Assiniboine bike path to The FORKS. Meet at the fountain south of the leg at noon. This parade event is open to all and will start at 12:30 SHARP. *At The Forks from 1:30 pm our main stage* will host speakers and performers including dance groups and two live bands. We will have inspiring speakers on climate change hopes and realities, First Nation's wisdom, art, and youth. Former Blue Bomber Troy Westwood will also share a few thoughts.
*Eco-friendly businesses and organizations will exhibit **until 5:00 pm **at our Eco-Fair*, under The Forks canopy. They will highlight solutions for Manitobans to move toward a sustainable future.
Come out to enjoy the sun and to *engage with the people who are working on a better future now*.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie