Webinar Reminder: Beyond Counting - Putting Data to Work

*** Friendly reminder about tomorrow's webinar and pop up protected bike lane tour ***
Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of this month's APBP http://www.apbp.org/ webinar. RSVPs appreciated but not necessary.
Should be especially interesting to hear from Calgary about collecting data related to their downtown protected bike lane grid. You might want to consider taking in the pop up protected bike lane tour in the Exchange over the lunch hour and then join us for the webinar at 2pm.
Here are details on the bike tour but you can find more info on the project here http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/walkbikeprojects/westAlexander-EastExchangeCorridor.stm :
Join other interested cyclists at Old Market Square for a lunch hour ride to explore and discuss proposed design options for the pop-up protected bike lanes in the Exchange District. Take part in the ride and join the conversation and experience options to improve the existing painted bike lanes on McDermot and Bannatyne.
This ride is part of the City of Winnipeg’s public engagement for the *West Alexander to East Exchange Corridor*. Join us at Old Market Square, the ride leaves at 12:00pm and will return by 12:30pm with some time for discussion before you head back to work.
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*Beyond Counting: Putting the Data to Work for Better Planning and EvaluationWed, June 21 | 2-3 p.m. CDT*
The June webinar will be an exciting panel! PeopleForBikes will discuss their forthcoming network analysis tool. Its goal is to join policy with politics, making it relatively cheap and easy for cities to locate the weakest areas in their biking network — and, eventually, the easiest ways to make the network better. The team from HDR and the city and county of Denver, CO, will review several case studies and discuss how the outcomes of a recent study helped inform future capital expenditures as well as knowing the level of accuracy when reporting bicycle data sets and the context in which specific vendor equipment performs best. Presenters will discuss applying before and after data collection programs as part of a pilot two-way cycle track project and being proactive in applying initial data collection findings to tweak layout, designs, etc. They will also discuss applying before and after data collection as part of permanent installations to understand user experience, user understanding of new technologies and apply those lessons learned to future design projects. The City of Calgary will present and discuss their Center City Cycle Track Network Pilot.
*Presentation Panel:*
- Jennifer Boldry, People for Bikes - Rick Plenge, P.E., PTOE - HDR - Dan Raine, Denver, CO - Ryan Martinson, Stantec (Calgary) - Katherine Glowacz, City of Calgary
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie