Wednesday: AT Webinar & GoManitoba Launch!

*Friendly reminder about tomorrow's webinar viewing in the EcoCentre boardroom...*
*We also invite you to join us under the canopy at The Forks tomorrow (Wed) morning at 11am for the official launch of GoManitoba!*
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*Green Design: Minimizing Environmental Impact in Public Rights of WayWed, Sept 20 | 2-3 p.m. CDT*
At the September webinar, a representative from NACTO will take a few minutes to review their new resource: The Urban Street Stormwater Guide.
John and Lisa will define green streets as they apply to transportation, green design, stormwater management, and the policy framework. They will discuss the benefits and potential conflicts with green design elements, and present specific strategies through case studies for incorporating elements of green infrastructure and green design. They will also explore current funding sources for Green Streets.
Then, Cindy and Patrick will discuss the Capital City Bikeway in Minneapolis from concept to construction including low impact development and green design features. They will address why it was important, how it was prioritized and lessons learned. By the end of their presentation, they will discuss how to incorporate LID and green design features into projects in your community.
- John Hykes & Lisa Beyer, Alta Planning + Design - Cindy Zerger, Toole Design Group - Patrick Sejkora, SEH, Inc. - Corinne Kisner & Aaron Willere, NACTO
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie