AT webinar: Dynamics of Effective Advisory Committees - Wed, Mar 20th, 2-3 pm, EcoCentre

Green Action Centre and Bike to the Future invite you to join us for a local viewing of the following APBP webinar at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave). This will be followed by group discussion of local applications.* *Detailed description provided below.
*Dynamics of Effective Advisory Committees Wednesday, March 20th | 2:00-3:00 p.m. CDT*
RSVPs are appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
Also mark your calendar for an additional webinar on Wed, March 27th, 2-3:30 pm – Women's Work: Bicycle Friendly Communities by Design. More info to follow next week.
cheers, Beth 925-3772 * * * * * **
Dynamics of Effective Advisory Committees Wednesday, March 20 | 2:00 to 3:00 pm CDT
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committees are critical to making bicycling and walking part of the transportation solution because they add transparency and community engagement to the planning process. This webinar offers guidance about committee structure, defines roles, and suggests techniques and training to make a group more effective. Case study examples balance the perspectives of staff and advocates, bicycle and pedestrian focus, and regional and local committees. Presenters from the Nashville (Tennessee) MPO and the City of Olympia, Washington, will discuss their committees’ major initiatives and how productive, long-term working groups achieved significant, measurable outcomes.
The Nashville Area MPO assisted in developing a regional bicycle and pedestrian study and an award-winning regional transportation plan. As a result of this work, the group was tasked to develop scoring and make funding recommendations related to bike/ped projects. The City of Olympia's Advisory Committee has successfully focused on improving the pedestrian realm through its involvement with a far-reaching sidewalk funding initiative, a pedestrian crossing improvement program, the redesign of the 4th Avenue bridge, and an innovative neighborhood pathways program.
Presenters: Darren Flusche, Policy Director, League of American Bicyclists Leslie Meehan, Director of Healthy Communities, Nashville Area MPO David Kleinfelter, President, Walk/Bike Nashville Sophie Stimson, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Olympia
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie