Mark your calender! 2012 APBP Webinar Series

Hello everyone,
Mark the dates for the 2012 APBP webinar series in your spanky new 2012 calendar, with this sneak peek at upcoming topics.
The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) webinars take place on the third Wednesday of each month from 2:00-3:00 pm CST.
We hope you will join Green Action Centre and Bike to the Future at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave, MEC bldg) to view these webinars and discuss afterward.
cheers, Beth
* * * * * * 2012 APBP Webinar Series*
- *January 18th *- Emerging Technologies for Bike/Ped Planning - *February 15th* - Land Use Planning: Routine Inclusion of Bicycling and Walking in New Developments - *March 21st* - Best Practices for Maintenance Programs - *April 18th* - NTPP (Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Project) Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities - *May 16th *- On-Street Bicycle Parking: What, When, Where and How Much? - *June 20th* - Resolving Conflicts at Complex Intersections - *July 18th* - The Greener Side of Green Streets: Reducing Pavement Footprints - *August 15th* - Transforming Streets into Inviting Public Spaces - *September 19th* - Liability: Understanding and Managing Risk - *October 17th* - FHWA Experimentation for Advancing Best Practices - *November 14th* - Maps that Guide, Encourage and Inform - *December 19th* - Wayfinding Options for Cyclists
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie