Employment opportunities with Green Action Centre - December 2010

***PLEASE POST WIDELY - apologies for cross-posting***
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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY; two positions available
December 3, 2010
------------------------------------------------------------- *Active and Safe Routes to School Program Intern*
*Application deadline:** *Monday, December 13 2010**
*Start date:** *Thursday, January 6 2011
*End date: *Friday, March 18 2011
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These positions being funded through the YMCA’s Post-Secondary Graduate Youth Eco Internship Program (PSYEIP) with funding provided by the Government of Canada. This program places unemployed youth aged 15 to 30 from diverse backgrounds into paid internship opportunities within the private, non-profit, public, and charitable service sectors in Canada with a focus on the environment and community*. Applicants must meet ALL eligibility criteria for the program in order to be considered:*
- between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive) at the time of placement; - not receiving Employment Insurance benefit; - a graduate of a post-secondary education program; - be unemployed; or underemployed (working 20 hours or less on a regular basis); or working in a job that does not match your area of educational study; - out of school; - a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person on whom refugee status has been conferred; - legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations; - have a social insurance number; - be willing to complete a Police Records Check.
*Note: Youth who previously participated in the Youth Eco Internship Program will not be considered*
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Green Action Centre is a non-profit, charitable community organization currently seeking *two program interns* for our Active and Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) program. The interns will actively encourage walking and cycling as healthy alternatives for getting kids to and from school by working closely with teachers, parents, school staff and students at selected Manitoba elementary schools. The interns will be involved in the lead up to Clean Air Day in June, and the coordination of a regional meeting of Active and Safe Routes to School practitioners in Manitoba. The interns will work closely with the Active and Safe Routes to School Program Team on the planning and delivery of events, and will act as supports for other areas of the program including policy development, in-class workshops and education, best routes to school mapping, report writing, fundraising and materials development.
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· Promotes elementary school participation in the annual Clean Air Day Walk to School (June)
· Assists with the administration and coordination of the poster contest linked to Clean Air Day
· Communicates with schools to encourage environmentally friendly travel year-round through surveys, telephone conversations and site visits as well as ASRTS program components such as the Walking School Bus, Walking Wednesdays Club and Neighbourhood Walkabouts
· Maintains a database and contact list of participating schools and community partners
· Researches, prepares and distributes kit materials such as fact sheets, checklists, surveys, brochures, posters, and resources
· Monitors project-related expenses
· Writes reports and assists in preparing proposals and applications
· Assists with website development through the Green Action Centre content-managed system – writing updates and blog posts related to Active and Safe Routes to School-related items.
· Compiles, publishes and distributes the quarterly Active and Safe Routes to School newsletter *“Off on the Right Foot”*
· Assists with the coordination of a regional training event for Active and Safe Routes to School practitioners in Manitoba (involving invitations, managing registrations, preparing materials, taking minutes and assisting with follow-up reporting).
Must be self-motivated, reliable and able to work collaboratively and individually. *Must meet the requirements of the Post-Secondary Youth Eco-Internship Program administered through the YMCA.*
*Key qualifications include:*
· Self-initiator with excellent interpersonal and time management skills
· Professional writing, editing, research and communication skills
· Commitment to work in a collaborative setting to achieve common goals
· Experience in organizing events and workshops
· Background in areas such as communications / social marketing / community development / environmental or health education / urban planning, GIS, social change / non-profit project work
· Familiar with Community Based Social Marketing concepts (see www.cbsm.com)
· Ability to handle multiple tasks in a brisk work environment with a flexible schedule
· Knowledge of internet-based communication and research tools
· Experience in organizing promotional events, and creativity in developing advertising and media campaigns
· Experience in proposal and report writing
· Ease in giving public presentations and speaking with media
· Demonstrated commitment to the goals of ecological sustainability and sustainable transportation
· Understanding of urban transportation, planning and environmental issues
· Experience working with teachers, parents, administration and staff in an elementary school setting an asset
· Experience with GIS or other mapping software an asset
*ABOUT THE POSITION* * Direct applications by Monday, December 13 2010 to:*
ASRTS Hiring Committee Green Action Centre 303 Portage Avenue, 3rd Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4 E-mail: asrts@greenactioncentre.ca
*Green Action Centre*: Green Action Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental organization directed by an elected community Board. Green Action Centre’s mission is to promote ecological sustainability through environmental education and the development of sustainable alternatives to unsustainable current practices. Further information about Green Action Centre projects and activities is available on our web site www.greenactioncentre.ca.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie