Active & Green: Ciclovia, Bike Friendly Businesses, Dance Walk Guru, and Getting Bendy

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Request resources cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.
Book a presentation the various commuting options, as well as fuel-efficient driving, creating a commuter friendly workplace, and greening the workplace.
Talk to us about implementing a Smart Trips at your workplace.
------------------------------ Upcoming Events
Ciclovia - Winnipeg Sunday, Sept. 8 Open Street Sunday Thompson Sunday, Sept. 8 PARK(ing) Day Friday, Sept. 20 Culture Days September 27-29 Walk to School Week / Month Oct. 7-11 / October Pedaling for the People Bike Winnipeg Fundraiser Wednesday, Oct. 9 Waste Reduction Week October 21-27
*Reviving Winnipeg's Ped/Bike Strategies* On Tues, Sept. 10, the Standing Policy Committee for Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works will be revisiting the decision to cancel the contract to develop pedestrian and cycling strategies for Winnipeg. Find more details from Bike Winnipeg and how you can get involved here .
Bus & Bike to the Bombers
Turns out that taking the bus or riding a bike to Bomber games is way more popular than expected. While organizers thought perhaps 15% of fans would attend by means other than a car, the percentage has ranged from 30-39%! If you'd like to try biking to a game, check out Anders Swanson's video of his ride biking to the new stadium downtown. ------------------------------ Like what you see?
*Make Green Action Centre Your Charity of Choice* Every year, thousands of Manitoba employees participate in workplace giving programs, such as the provincial government’s All-Charities By giving just a few dollars from your paycheque each month you can make a big difference protecting the environment and promoting environmental education.
*Please choose Green Action Centre as your charity this year*.
Ciclovia - Sunday, Sept. 8th
The annual celebration of active transportation and healthy living happens this Sunday from 11am to 6pm. Cycle on a car-free lane from Assiniboine Park all the way to The Forks. Meander down Broadway from Osborne to Main and take in the street festival. From the bike zone to the eco zone to the Tweed ride (and the Food Trucks), it's a great time!
Bike Friendly Businesses This Sunday, the Downtown BIZ and Exchange District BIZ will be launching a Bike Friendly Business Network at Ciclovia. Look for this decal in the window of participating businesses! It ensures quality bike parking along with a bike pump, bike maps and loaner locks for customer use. Some businesses may offer additional services, such as a discount, free water refill or other tools to use. And, of course, you can always check this map [pdf] to find bike racks and secure bike parking locations in downtown Winnipeg. And in case you're travelling, check out these top 10 great places to park your bike the world.
Get ready for bendy Remember hearing last year about the 20 articulated buses purchased by Winnipeg Transit? Well, we'll soon be able to get all bendy with it. The extra-long buses are scheduled to be mixed into Transit's fleet later this fall.
*Meet the Dance Walk guru* Why walk when you can dance? That's the life philosophy of the "Dance Walk guru maste" [video]. Made famous by Ben Aaron of NBC New York, this happy fellow has inspired thousands of others to choose to dance down the sidewalk. While we haven't spotted any dance walkers in Winnipeg just yet, perhaps they're waiting to reveal themselves. And if you prefer to walk, there's a new study found people who walk to work are 40 percent less likely to develop diabetes and 17 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who drive. Almost enough to make you dance!
*Active Living Research* Check out the interesting statistics on the role of transportation in encouraging physical activity from Active Living Research (US).
*Set up your own rideshare* With the high price of gas (and likely to rise further) plus increasing costs for parking, you might be looking to share your ride. If your workplace doesn't subscribe to a formal rideshare program, try a self-serve bulletin board or map with pins or dots marking home locations. Once you've found suitable partners, here are some helpful tips [pdf] to set up your own carpool.
Our mailing address is: Green Action Centre 3-303 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4 Canada
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Beth McKechnie