AT Webinar: Level of Service for Peds and Cyclists, Wed, Jan 21, 2-3pm, EcoCentre

Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of the following APBP webinar: *Level of Service for Pedestrians and Cyclists. *
This webinar viewing takes place in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
* * * * * Level of Service for Pedestrians and Cyclists *Wednesday, January 21st, 2-3 p.m., EcoCentre Boardroom*
Learn about Level of Service and its relationship to bicycling and walking, with specific reference to the Highway Capacity Manual. Presenters describe the performance measures that transportation engineers and planners use related to signalized and unsignalized intersections; identify points where multimodal travel can be more effectively incorporated into traditional measures; explain emerging measures that are being considered in the update the Highway Capacity Manual by researchers; and discuss specific treatments that should be considered.
- Nick Foster, Senior Planner, Kittelson and Associates - Peter Koonce, Signals and Street Lighting Manager, Portland Bureau of Transportation
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie