WFP: Driver gets jail time for killing cyclist in hit-and-run (Mar6'25)

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Driver gets jail time for killing cyclist in hit-and-run
A 19-year-old Winnipeg man who was driving more than three times the speed limit when he struck and killed a cyclist on Wellington Crescent has been sentenced to three years in custody and prohibited from driving for five years.
Beckham Severight previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death and leaving the scene of a collision for the June 6 crash that killed 61-year-old Rob Jenner.
“The sentence must be denunciatory,” provincial court Judge Cynthia Devine said Wednesday. “Causing the loss of a life is the ultimate crime.”
Jenner’s death sent shock waves through the city’s cycling community, many members of whom were in court Wednesday for Severight’s sentencing.
“Every cyclist in Winnipeg has felt endangered, frightened, distrustful and terrorized at some point over the past eight months,” Devine said Severight asked his roommate, Lyle Barker-Young, on the morning of the collision whether he could take his leased 2013 BMW sedan for a drive. Severight had only a learner’s permit. Barker-Young, 18, had a valid licence and accompanied Severight but did not qualify as a supervising driver.
According to an agreed statement of facts previously provided to court, Severight was driving eastbound on Wellington in the curb lane shortly before 7 a.m. when he “rapidly accelerated his speed” as he rounded a curve near the intersection with Hugo Street.
Jenner was ahead, cycling in the same lane.
Severight saw Jenner and tried to avoid hitting him but lost control of the car and went into a skid before crashing into the back of Jenner’s bike, sending him crashing onto the car’s hood.
Witnesses said Jenner was thrown at least 10 feet into the air before he came to rest just off the roadway.
A collision reconstructionist determined Severight had been driving at least 159 km/h immediately before the crash. The posted speed limit at the location is 50 km/h. Barker-Young told Severight not to stop and he drove away before stopping a short time later so Barker-Young could drive.
“(Severight’s) buddy kept telling him to flee; his conscience kept telling him to stop,” Devine said. “The bad advice from his 18-year-old friend won the day and he drove away.”
Jenner was taken to hospital and was pronounced dead 30 minutes later.
Witnesses called police with a description of Severight’s vehicle and the two men were arrested later that morning in a common area of their apartment building.
Prosecutors had recommended Severight be sentenced to four years in prison, while defence lawyer Mike Cook urged Devine to sentence Severight to 18 months in jail followed by 18 months of supervised probation, arguing he was a caring young man who had overcome personal challenges in his youth and was deeply remorseful for his actions.
Devine said she was satisfied Severight’s experience as an Indigenous man — including a family history of residential school involvement, years spent in foster care and personal tragedy — served to reduce his moral blameworthiness for the crash.
More than 30 people provided support letters to court describing Severight as a humble, generous and hard-working man driven to help others.
“People who know him were universally shocked to learn of the fatal accident because it was totally out of character for him,” Devine said.
Devine credited Severight for time already served, reducing his remaining sentence to just over 22 months, meaning he will serve the remainder of his sentence in a provincial jail, not federal prison. Devine ordered that Severight serve an additional 12 months of supervised probation upon his release from custody.
Severight said at a sentencing hearing last month that he was “ashamed” of himself.
“I will never forgive myself,” he said. “I have spent countless hours and sleepless nights thinking about the harm I have caused.”
Outside court, Wendy Van Loon, Jenner’s partner, said she had hoped Severight would have received a longer sentence as a message to other young drivers tempted to engage in reckless behaviour.
“I wouldn’t say I’m pleased, but I understand (the judge’s decision),” she said.
Cook said Severight was relieved to have sentencing behind him.
“He told me before court he would accept the court’s decision, whatever it was,” Cook said outside court.
Barker-Young is charged with leaving the scene of a collision and remains before the court.
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Beth McKechnie