Equitable Cities | You're Invited!

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On Wednesday, October 9th Green Action Centre and Peg City Car Co-op will welcome Arrested Mobility’s Charles T. Brown to Winnipeg. Tickets are now on sale for Equitable Cities: How to liberate those caged by our transportation system.
Charles T. Brown is the founder and principal of Equitable Cities, a minority- and veteran-owned urban planning, public policy and research firm focused at the intersection of transportation, health and equity. He is also an adjunct professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. He is the host of Arrested Mobilityhttps://arrestedmobility.com/, a podcast that asks: What can we do to change the outcomes when people of colour step out their door to exist in the world?
In this keynote presentation, Charles addresses how our transportation system underserves and disproportionately harms those who are most vulnerable. By understanding inequities in our transportation system, Charles identifies potential strategies for action.
The audience for this presentation will leave the event with a greater understanding of the history of our transportation system across North America, and be inspired to correct past injustices to bring better health, equity and freedom to all.
Following the keynote, attendees will be invited to participate in discussions to bring the themes of the keynote into our local context.
Get your Early Bird tickets, available while stock lasts or until July 31st. Use the promo code: ECEARLYBIRD to save!
Equitable Cities' Builder and Influencer sponsors:
Thank you to our Advocate and Supporter sponsors:
The Johnston Group & Councillor Janice Lukes
Would you like to support Equitable Cities? We are still in need of sponsorship and would love your support.
We have various levels available. Please reach out to gohappy@greenactioncentre.camailto:gohappy@greenactioncentre.ca for details.
Mel Marginet | Workplace Commuter Options
http://greenactioncentre.ca/Green Action Centrehttp://www.greenactioncentre.ca/ http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/
300-286 Smith Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 1K4 | Find us herehttp://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/
*Note: I work two days a week at Green Action Centre and it may take a few
days to respond to you.
We are located on Treaty 1 Territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation. The water we drink comes from Shoal Lake First Nation.
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie