Portage la Prairie Active Transportation Committee to Host Bike Week

Transportation Committee to Host Bike Week https://portageonline.com/local/transportation-committee-to-host-bike-week https://portageonline.com/local/transportation-committee-to-host-bike-week
The Portage la Prairie Active Transportation Committee is bringing back Bike Week for the sixth annual year.
The Committee has a full week of bike-related events for you to take part in from June 15-21.
Chair of the Bike Week Committee Heather Bruce says their most popular event, the Cookie Ride, has been altered because of the pandemic.
"This year, it's going to be a freezie ride so we can hand out freezies, and we will hand other things out as well. It's very popular because it makes families get out after supper to go for a bike ride. That's part of what we're trying to do, encourage people to get out and about."
Other activities planned for Bike Week include Bike & Yoga, bike trails, and a public art bike tour.
Bruce says they've taken safety into mind when planning the activities.
"Because we're outside the social distancing thing will be easy, and we're on bikes. For instance, our Grub Crawl is on Thursday this year. Last year, we went to three different places and had something small to eat at each place. This year, we're only having it at Cafe on Prince."
The Transportation Committee strives to hold the event as a way to showcase Portage's many biking paths and bring awareness to active transportation.
Bruce says Bike Week has a new event this year, the Bike Jam.
"Even the route is kept a secret right until the last minute. There will likely be music blaring. It's just a nice slow-moving ride throughout the city, and people are encouraged to ride in costume, or decorate their bikes."
Bruce wants you to get outside and enjoy the Manitoba summer.
"We know that during COVID, there's been a lot of talk about people's mental health, so bike week fits in getting people outside, active and in the fresh air with other people, but socially distant."
You can keep up to date with Bike Week on their Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/activetransportationplap
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie