Good for Business - benefits of making streets more bike & ped friendly (2011, AU)
[snipped from the Executive Summary...]
Good for Busine$$ is a discussion paper for built environment professionals and business people to show the positive financial benefits of making streets more walking and cycling friendly.
This report asserts that a well-designed, quality street environment that promotes walking, cycling and public transport is good for business.
“… it would be advantageous to local businesses to support measures aimed at attracting more pedestrians and bus passengers to the local shopping centre rather than car users … wider pavements (sidewalks) and traffic restraint measures should result in attracting more regular, dedicated custom to the area and have a positive impact on retailers and customers alike.”
The Heart Foundation (SA) commissioned this discussion paper to bring together the evidence around the financial benefits to retailers and residents in making commercial streets morewalking and cycling friendly. Walking and cycling to local shops is good for business and good for the local economy and is essential to the success of revitalisation strategies.
Streetscape enhancements add value to an area and are associated with higher rents and the attraction of new businesses. In addition there is good evidence to show that improving walking and cycling environments raises private property values by significant amounts.
[Thanks to Susanne Dewey Povoledo for sharing this resource. -Beth]
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie