WFP: Parade permits for cyclists around corner (Sept.17'13)

Pasted below this article is additional information from David Sanders and who to contact if you wish to speak to the amendment at tomorrow morning's EPC meeting.
There appears to be a difference in interpretation between the Winnipeg Free Press's reporting below that this change would *allow* cyclists to obtain a parade permit if they so wished vs. the concern that it will be enforced by police as *required* by any group of 10 or more cyclists (i.e. organized or spontaneous group rides, even a gathering of friends travelling by bike from place to place). The wording of the amendment could more clearly stipulate that it is intended to allow cyclists who wish to apply for a parade permit to do so. (See suggested rewording in attached submission by David Sanders.)
Note that there's a meeting tonight at 7 pm at Mondragon (91 Albert St) to discuss potential response strategies for those who are interested.
* * * * * Parade permits for cyclists around corner
THE City of Winnipeg is poised to change its traffic rules to allow cyclists to obtain a parade permit, but some cyclists are already up in arms.
On Wednesday, council's executive policy committee is considering an amendment to the traffic bylaw that would allow 10 or more bike riders to obtain a parade permit.
Right now, cyclists can't obtain parade permits because it's illegal to ride side-by-side.
"A number of bicycle groups apply for parade permits each year with the intent of operating in a parade fashion with a police escort," reads the report to council.
This amendment, however, has sparked fears police could use the amendment to crack down on groups of cyclists. Winnipeg lawyer David Sanders, who represented members of a Critical Mass ride, issued a statement Sunday warning of $1,000 fines to anyone who rides in a group of 10 or more.
*Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition September 17, 2013 A2* ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *David Sanders* Date: Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 3:10 PM
Hi all:
If any of the old email addresses work, hope you are all doing well.
If you want to be able to cycle in *groups of 10 or more people* on Winnipeg streets without a parade permit issued by the Chief of Police 48 hours before, without facing *fines of up to $1,000 each*, you may want to check this out.
On Wednesday, September 18, Executive Policy Committee will be asked to approve the recommendation of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services, that the City of Winnipeg Traffic By-law 1573/77 be amended to restrict cyclists in that manner.
Attached is a copy of the last minute submission I sent to the Committee last week, to no avail. And it appears the press didn't pick it up.
You will find the EPC agenda and the Standing Policy Committee minutes on the City's Decision-Making System website, with the text of the amendment, the half-truth of the Administration's recommendation, and By-law 1573/77 itself, which describes the stringent requirements for holding a "parade" and provides for fines of up to $1,000 for violating those requirements. If you have trouble accessing the pdf's with Google, try Google Chrome or Moxilla Firefox.
You may wish to notify others who might find this undesirable, and encourage them to contact Carlos Gameiro at if they wish to register to speak to the amendment at EPC on Wednesday morning.
Regards, David Sanders
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie