Ski Train Rolls into The Forks, Bicycle Garden Grows

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: The Plain Bicycle Team Date: Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 3:32 PM Subject: Ski Train Rolls into The Forks, Bicycle Garden Grows Come see the exciting second Plain Bicycle location at The Forks. Ski library opens. Kicksleds, cargo bikes and more at both locations.
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*By Donation Ski Library Opens At The Forks* Reserve Skis Now
Around this time last year, as winter and another pandemic wave approached, we put out a call to the community to help us build a ski equipment library to make winter fun more accessible. Suddenly, hundreds of generous Winnipeggers began pouring in ready to donate and rent used skis, boots, and poles, snowshoes, snowboards, moccasins and more!
*Skis are back. Come get yours* *at the antique train cars at The Forks. *Reserve them and take them to the cabin or your favourite ski trail. Once the River Trail opens, you can even ski from the door! Your donations help support the non profit work of Winnipeg Trails, including the free mobile ski library that will soon be heading out to parks all over Winnipeg as part of Winter;Peg.
*We believe in mobility, year round. *Bicycles, kicksleds, baby seats, cargo bikes, lights, gifts… the new Plain Bicycle train cars have everything any family needs to get outside and get active. Our Bicycle Garden Grows
Our location at 267 Sherbrook Street, just south of Portage and located in the heart of Winnipeg’s bike-o-philic West End remains open! Although we ran out of room for all the skis (all skis must be picked up at the Forks now), you can still buy dutch bikes, cargo, get repairs done and pickup and return snowshoes! Visit the Plain Bicycle Online Store
Need a surefire gift idea?
We have gift certificates. Gift certificates come in the form of a snazzy card, and are redeemable at either location. Hours and addresses for both locations
Note on Holiday hours:
Christmas Eve: noon-5 both locations.
Christmas Day: Closed at both locations.
Boxing Day: Forks noon-6; Bicycle Garden closed.
News Year Day: Closed at both locations. [image: Facebook icon] [image: Instagram icon] [image: Twitter icon] [image: Email icon] [image: Logo]
*Copyright (C) 2021 Plain Bicycle. All rights reserved.* You are receiving this email because you are on the waiting list or you purchased a plain bicycle and because we promised to send updates on bicycle repair and parts.
Our mailing address is: Plain Bicycle 267 Sherbrook Ave Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B8 Canada
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie