Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project - Phase 1 Public Engagement Report

The City is currently undertaking the Wolseley to Downtown Corridor Project https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/walkbikeprojects/wolseleytodowntown.stm to identify options to improve travel choices, accessibility and connectivity. When completed, the corridor will provide improved connections to the Omand’s Creek pathway, the protected bicycle lane on Assiniboine Avenue and Sherbrook Street, the bike lane on Maryland Street, and the planned neighbourhood greenway on Ruby Street https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/walkbikeprojects/wolseley-WestAlexanderCorridor.stm .
Input from the community is an essential component of the study process. The first round of public engagement for the Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project took place in November, 2018 involving a variety of in-person events, school travel planning and opportunities to participate online. The input received has been summarized in the Phase 1 Public Engagement Report and will be used to inform the development of concepts, alongside technical information.
Phase 1 reports are available at the links provided below:
- Phase 1 Public Engagement Report https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/pdf/wolseleytodowntown/2019-01-28Phase1PublicEngagementReportFINAL.pdf - Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary Report https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/pdf/wolseleytodowntown/Phase1PESummaryReport.pdf
Phase 2 of public engagement is expected to begin in late winter 2019. This phase will provide members of the public and area stakeholders the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the preliminary design options and alternatives.
Phase 3 of the public engagement is planned for late spring 2019 and will focus on sharing the final design recommendation and highlighting where public input influenced the design of the project.
More information
For more information visit winnipeg.ca/walkbikeprojects https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/pedestriansCycling/walkBikeProjects/default.stm .
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie