Washington, DC creates protected bike lane barriers from downed trees
15 May
15 May
6:24 p.m.
Hmmm, perhaps a good use for Winnipeg's downed elm trees?
*WASHINGTON, DC CREATES CYCLE TRACK BARRIERS FROM DOWNED TREES* -> The AASHTO Journal reported the District Department of Transportation in Washington, DC, is testing whether "re-purposed timber" gathered from trees removed due to damage can be used to build cycle track barriers. This timber is much less expensive than concrete barricades, and DDOT can create and fabricate these barricades in house. See the brief video: http://bit.ly/2LH1lwP https://pps.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2c803e70a8ad33c13a95a1ee6&id=03ee4cf508&e=8577dd457f
Beth McKechnie* | *Green Action Centre http://www.greenactioncentre.ca/
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Beth McKechnie