[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies] ________________________________ Upcoming Award Deadlines Click here for a full listing of upcoming award deadlineshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid
If you have any questions or concerns about award application requirements, eligibility, or deadlines, please contact the Graduate Awards Team at graduate.awards@umanitoba.camailto:graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca and we will be happy to assist remotely via email. Given our new distance-working mode there may be a delay in our response time. Your patience is appreciated, and please rest assured that your email will receive a response as soon as possible based on priorities and time-sensitivity.
THE MAPLE LEAF CENTRE FOR ACTION ON FOOD SECURITY- SCHOLARSHIP IN FOOD SECURITYhttp://bit.ly/2ONGRSE Three $15,000 scholarships available for research spanning up to two years commencing in the 2021-22 academic year · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Conducting thesis research focused on the determinants, risk factors, impacts, and efficacy of proposed interventions on food insecurity in Canada. Deadline: February 12, 2021 - Proposals Due Interviews conducted in April 2021 // Scholarships awarded in May 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2ONGRSE
CANADIAN CELIAC ASSOCIATION - DR. J. A. CAMPBELL RESEARCH AWARDhttp://bit.ly/3oBuclb Grant of up to $25,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): For research projects in Canada of a scientific, applied science, and/or medical nature relevant to celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and/or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or the socio-economic implications of delayed diagnosis and/or living with these conditions. Deadline: February 15, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/3oBuclb
CANADIAN CELIAC ASSOCIATION - DR. J. A. CAMPBELL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDhttp://bit.ly/3oBuclb Up to $5,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Work done in Canada (or by an investigator from Canada temporarily working elsewhere and committed to return to Canada) of a scientific, applied science, medical, and/or social nature relevant to celiac disease (gluten-induced enteropathy), dermatitis herpetiformis or other gluten related disorders. The individual must be a trainee in a recognized Medical or Health Sciences School, University Undergraduate, or Graduate Training Program. Deadline: February 15, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/3oBuclb
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA DISTINGUISHED DISSERTATION AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2VWAopX Citation Certificate, plus a cash prize (Five award categories for PhD graduates – Must have submitted dissertation during 2020 calendar year (Jan 1, 2020 – Dec 31, 2020) Research Field(s): Applied sciences, health sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences Deadline: February 26, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2VWAopX
CAROLYNNE BOIVIN SCHOLARSHIP FOR RESEARCH IN FAMILY OR GENDER-BASED VIOLENCEhttps://bit.ly/2MpImaP Two awards valued at $4,580 each · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): This fund was established to help support research and educational initiatives to reduce violence and abuse in the prairie provinces. Deadline: February 26, 2021 More Infohttps://bit.ly/2MpImaP
ABORIGINAL ISSUES PRESS SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2RQ745n $500 to max $1,500 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Research focus on Aboriginal Issues Deadline: February 28, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2RQ745n
OAKES-RIEWE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES RESEARCH AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2ARoZPh $500 to max $5,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Applicants must be conducting or proposing to conduct interdisciplinary environmental research (integration of physical, biological and human processes) within an Aboriginal context. Deadline: February 28, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2ARoZPh
CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL AND APPLIED ETHICS GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPShttp://bit.ly/39Neddv $3,000 stipend · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): This fellowship aims to support graduate students who are conducting research in the field of ethics. It also aims to encourage students in other fields to consider the ethical implications of their work, to integrate ethics into their research, and to promote understanding of ethics as it relates to their areas of study. Deadline: February 28, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/39Neddv
DOUGLAS MCRORIE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2UYYXBs One award valued at $4,500 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Agricultural Business, Economics, Finance or Trade Deadline: March 5, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2UYYXBs
KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA FOUNDATIONhttp://bit.ly/34GCzUJ Two scholarships at $7,500 each · For PhD students Research Field(s): Unrestricted Details: For female Canadian citizens currently enrolled in and pursuing a Ph.D. program Deadline: March 15, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/34GCzUJ
GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARDS FOR DISARMAMENT, ARMS CONTROL IN NON-PROLIFERATIONhttp://bit.ly/2PEha6l Four awards at $5,000 each · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): This competition is open to Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents/landed immigrants currently enrolled in a graduate programme. In order to expand the community of Canadian scholars working on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament (NACD) issues. Deadline: March 15, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2PEha6l
CANADIAN JAPANESE MENNONITE SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2KPq1DC $2,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Research on the protection of minority and human rights in Canada Deadline: April 1, 2021 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2KPq1DC
McCALL MacBAIN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATIONhttp://bit.ly/3azqNNQ Up to 20 full scholarships and 60 entrance awards of $5,000 or $10,000 each. The scholarship will cover full tuition & fees for a full-time master’s program or a second-entry professional undergraduate program (i.e. dentistry, law, or medicine) at McGill, starting in Fall 2022. It will also provide students with a living stipend of $2,000 per month during academic terms. · For Master's students Research Field(s): These scholarships will be offered to candidates who demonstrate character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity. Candidates must have Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, or refugee status and have their bachelor’s degree (or be on track to graduate by August 2022). Deadline:Applications will open in June 2021 for Fall 2022 admission Application Details: Interested applicants can sign up for the University of Manitoba information session on March 2, 2:00 PM CT, at http://bit.ly/manitoba-mccallmacbain or, if there’s a timing conflict, attend a different session at https://mccallmacbainscholars.org/info-sessions. More Infohttp://bit.ly/3azqNNQ
Other Opportunities
Bell Mobility is offering students 10 GB of bonus data for 24 months with U of M Mobile Internet Flex data plan. Offer available from January 26 - February 28, 2021 More Infohttps://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/htmlmail/Bell-Mobility-UMStudent-Offer-2021.pdf
________________________________ Faculty of Graduate Studieshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/ · 500 University Centre · Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ · Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/ · Awards FAQhttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid/award-application-support