[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]https://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/ ________________________________ Upcoming Award Deadlines
Click here for a full listing of upcoming award deadlineshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid
If you have any questions or concerns about award application requirements, eligibility, or deadlines, please contact the Graduate Awards team at graduate.awards@umanitoba.camailto:graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca and we will be happy to assist remotely via email. Your patience is appreciated, and please rest assured that your email will receive a response as soon as possible based on priorities and time-sensitivity.
PETER de MARSH MEMORIAL BURSARYhttps://www.forestowners.ca/peter-demarsh-memorial-bursary/ (1) Research Bursary valued at $10,000; (1) Travel Bursary valued at $3,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Forestry or Environmental Studies Details: Open to Canadian and International students whose research project must focus on the role of woodlot owners or woodlot owners’ associations in helping to solve social, economic, or environmental problems Deadline: June 30, 2023 More Infohttps://www.forestowners.ca/peter-demarsh-memorial-bursary/
JOHN W. DAVIES MEMORIAL AWARDhttps://communities.sname.org/arcticsection/scholarshipinfo/new-item Scholarship valued at $3,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Solutions to problems encountered in marine cold regions Details: Open to full-time graduate students at a recognized University in Canada Deadline: June 30, 2023 More Infohttps://communities.sname.org/arcticsection/scholarshipinfo/new-item
EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS TRAINEE DEVELOPMENT AWARDhttps://www.cognitoforms.com/CHRIM1/EmergentBiosolutionsAwardApplication Award valued at a maximum of $500 · For full-time Master’s & PhD students Research Fields(s): Must be affiliated with CHRIM or be non-CHRIM that have successfully completed the GPD program Details: Will provide support to professional development. Awardees may be asked to give a presentation on their experiences at a future CHRIM trainee event Deadline: July 15, 2023 More Infohttps://www.cognitoforms.com/CHRIM1/EmergentBiosolutionsAwardApplication
IDRC INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL RESEARCH AWARDS (IDRC-IDRA)https://www.univcan.ca/programs-and-scholarships/idrc-international-doctoral-research-awards/ (24) scholarships valued at $20,000 · For PhD students Research Field(s): Build capacity and develop research skills to improve the lives of people in the Global South Details: Open to Canadian, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries at a Canadian university Deadline: July 17, 2023, 1pm ET More Infohttps://www.univcan.ca/programs-and-scholarships/idrc-international-doctoral-research-awards/
MCCRORIE-WEST FAMILY FELLOWSHIP FOR ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCHhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2552&letter=M (1) Award and (1) Renewal award, variable value · For PhD students Research Field(s): Conducting research directly related to finding a treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s disease, in the Province of Manitoba, in the year in which the award is tenable Details: Those who apply for this fellowship will be considered for the Eirikur & Thorbjorg Stephanson Scholarship Deadline: July 20, 2023 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2552&letter=M
EIRIKUR AND THORBJORG STEPHANSON SCHOLARSHIPhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3715&letter=S (1) Award, variable value · For PhD students Research Field(s): Conducting research directly related to finding a treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s disease, in the Province of Manitoba, in the year in which the award is tenable Details: Apply for this scholarship through the McCrorie-West Family Fellowship in Alzheimer’s Research Deadline: July 20, 2023 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3715&letter=S
LAURA BASSI SCHOLARSHIPhttps://editing.press/bassi Master’s students $750; Doctoral students $2,500; Junior Academics $500 Research Field(s): Open to every discipline conducting research which focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed, within their disciplines Details: All currently enrolled students are eligible and there are no institutional, departmental or national restrictions. Deadline: July 25, 2023 More Infohttps://editing.press/bassi
BANTING POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPShttps://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html Postdoctoral fellowships valued at $70,000 · For PhD students Research Field(s): Health research, Natural sciences and/or engineering, Social sciences and/or humanities Details: Open to Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents of Canada and Foreign Citizens Deadline: September 20, 2023, 20:00 EDT More Infohttps://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html
CANADA GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP – MICHAEL SMITH FOREIGN STUDY SUPPLEMENT (CGS-MSFSS)http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3352&letter=C Valued at up to $6,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Health, Science, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities Details: Open to Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents who hold an active Canada Graduate Scholarship (including Vanier) and will be conducting research abroad Deadline: September 25, 2023 More Infohttps://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/CGSForeignStudy-BESCEtudeEtranger_eng.asp
SAVVY NEW CANADIANS FINANCIAL LITERACY SCHOLARSHIPhttps://www.savvynewcanadians.com/scholarship/ (4) scholarships valued at $1,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Any field of study increasing and improving financial literacy and awareness among students in Canada Details: Open to Canadian, permanent residents and international students at accredited Canadian universities and colleges Deadline: September 30, 2023 More Infohttps://www.savvynewcanadians.com/scholarship/
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP (UMGF)http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2698&letter=U Master's scholarship valued at $14,000; Doctoral scholarship valued at $18,000 · For full-Time Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Research-based program that is eligible for tri-council graduate student awards Details: Open to Canadian and International students who have demonstrated superior intellectual ability and academic accomplishment. Applications are submitted to students home departments. Deadline: Contact your home department for deadline and application details More Infohttps://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid/university-manitoba-graduate-fellowship-umgf
[Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/umanitoba/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/umanitoba [Twitter] https://twitter.com/umgradstudies GRADUATE STUDIEShttps://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/ · AWARDS FAQhttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid/award-application-support