[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies] ________________________________ Upcoming Award Deadlines
Click here for a full listing of upcoming award deadlineshttp://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/deadlines.html
2020 endMS SUMMER SCHOOLhttp://bit.ly/2uwdfl1 For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): The endMS Summer School is an annual interactive education program that aims to enhance knowledge and skills in MS research among trainees. Deadline: January 29, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2uwdfl1
RICHARD C. GOULDEN MEMORIAL AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2PzVGVQ $875 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Wildlife and/or their habitats in Manitoba Deadline: January 30, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2PzVGVQ
NORTHERN SCIENCE AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2ROoyPE $10,000 and Centenary Medal · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): The Northern Science Award is presented annually to an individual or a group who has made a significant contribution to meritorious knowledge and understanding of the Canadian North. Deadline: January 31, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2ROoyPE
CANADIAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION (CWRA)http://bit.ly/2QdLhTW Five prizes valued from $1,500 to $5,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Applied, Natural, or Social Science aspects of water resources Deadline: January 31, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2QdLhTW
CIHR TRAVEL AWARD – Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) Annual Meeting 2020http://bit.ly/30Lsrqn Fourteen or more travel awards at $3,500 each · For Master's,PhD & Post-Doctoral students Research Field(s): The CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (CIHR-IGH) will provide travel awards for trainees at Canadian institutions to attend the OSSD Annual Meeting to be held on May 4-7, 2020 in Marina Del Rey, California, USA. Deadline: February 3, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/30Lsrqn
MACKENZIE KING OPEN SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2LscCxg $8,500 approx (Average amount subject to change) · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Open to graduates of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate studies in any field in Canada or elsewhere. Deadline: February 3, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2LscCxg
MACKENZIE KING TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2Lpruwk Four awards at $10,500 approx (Award amount subject to change) · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Open to graduates of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate studies in the United States or the United Kingdom, of international or industrial relations (including the international or industrial relations aspects of law, history, politics and economics). Deadline: February 3, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2Lpruwk
GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARDS FOR DISARMAMENT, ARMS CONTROL IN NON-PROLIFERATIONhttp://bit.ly/2PEha6l Four awards at $5,000 each · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): This competition is open to Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents/landed immigrants currently enrolled in a graduate programme. In order to expand the community of Canadian scholars working on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament (NACD) issues. Deadline: February 3, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2PEha6l
RESEARCH MANITOBAhttp://bit.ly/2RIn9Xe Variable · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Health, Social Sciences and the Humanities, Natural Sciences and Engineering Deadline: February 3, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2RIn9Xe
MITACS CANADIAN SCIENCE POLICY FELLOWSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2DZJmMJ Typically $70,000-$80,000 per year · For Faculty members/PhD Graduates Research Field(s): Unrestricted Deadline: February 5, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2DZJmMJ
BERKES GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP IN COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCHhttp://bit.ly/2TWBG2x $3,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): This annually funded scholarship will provide support towards degree-related field research and related expenses Deadline: February 7, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2TWBG2x
THE MAPLE LEAF CENTRE FOR ACTION ON FOOD SECURITY- SCHOLARSHIP IN FOOD SECURITYhttp://bit.ly/2ONGRSE Three $15,000 scholarships available for research spanning up to two years commencing in the 2020-21 academic year · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Conducting thesis research focused on the determinants, risk factors, impacts, and efficacy of proposed interventions on food insecurity in Canada. Deadline: February 14, 2020 - Proposals Due Interviews Conducted In April 2020 // Scholarships Awarded In May 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2ONGRSE
DR. J. A. CAMPBELL RESEARCH AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2u5aqaw Grant of up to $25,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): For research projects in Canada of a scientific, applied science, and/or medical nature relevant to celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and/or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or the socio-economic implications of delayed diagnosis and/or living with these conditions. Deadline: February 14, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2u5aqaw
DR. J. A. CAMPBELL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2tkv9XG Up to $5,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Offered by the Canadian Celiac Association for work done in Canada (or by an investigator from Canada temporarily working elsewhere and committed to return to Canada) of a scientific, applied science, medical, and/or social nature relevant to celiac disease (gluten-induced enteropathy), dermatitis herpetiformis or other gluten related disorders. The individual must be a trainee in a recognized Medical or Health Sciences School, University Undergraduate, or Graduate Training Program. Deadline: February 14, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2tkv9XG
PURSUIT AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2EpWZWl 1st prize: $3,000 // 2nd prize: $2,000 // 3rd prize: $1,000 · For PhD students Research Field(s): Childhood disability research Deadline: February 21, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2EpWZWl
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA DISTINGUISHED DISSERTATION AWARDhttp://bit.ly/2VWAopX Citation certificate, plus cash prize · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Applied sciences, health sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences Deadline: March 4, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2VWAopX
INSTITUTE ON MUNICIPAL FINANCE & GOVERNANCE FELLOWSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2RXej9K $50,000 · For Postdoctoral students Research Field(s): Research should be pertinent to IMFG’s focus on the finance and governance issues faced by large cities and city-regions in Canada and around the world Deadline: March 26, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2RXej9K
CSA GROUP GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP - SUPPORTING GRADUATE STUDENTS IN STANDARDS RESEARCHhttp://bit.ly/36ilnmO $10,000 per year for a maximum of two years · For Master's students Research Field(s): The purpose of the CSA Group Graduate Scholarship is to support graduate students in the pursuit of knowledge generation related to standards. The thesis can be conducted in any field (e.g. engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a component of the research. The topic does not need to be related to an area in which CSA Group already has standards. The research may investigate aspects of an existing standard or may explore an area for future standards development. Deadline: March 31, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/36ilnmO
rare SCHOLARSHIP IN GRADUATE RESEARCHhttp://bit.ly/3aOGFeO 1st prize: $4,000 // 2nd prize: $2,000 // two each of 3rd prize: $1,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Environmental issues, vulnerable and protected landscapes Deadline: April 1, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/3aOGFeO
CANADIAN JAPANESE MENNONITE SCHOLARSHIPhttp://bit.ly/2u1vqyX $2,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Research on the protection of minority and human rights in Canada Deadline: April 1, 2020 More Infohttp://bit.ly/2u1vqyX
________________________________ Faculty of Graduate Studieshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/ · 500 University Centre · Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ · Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/ · Awards FAQhttp://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/funding_faq.html