Hi all,
The Faculty of Graduate Studies maintains a directory of prestigious awards. The following is an ongoing, “at-a-glance” list of University of Manitoba Graduate Studies Awards Dates and Deadlines. This list is intended to be used as a quick reference guide and planning tool for students in order to say on top of important deadlines throughout the year. Please refer to this page often in order to plan for upcoming deadlines.
Please note, deadlines may change from year to year and students are responsible for submitting awards application on time, in accordance with actual deadline dates. All dates are subject to change.
We are pleased to present to you with our new upcoming dates and deadlines calendar:
Graduate Awards: Upcoming Dates & Deadlineshttps://www.calendarwiz.com/graduateawards
There are many upcoming opportunities for students to apply for funding. Please encourage students in your area to apply.
Please send questions or comments to graduate.awards@umanitoba.camailto:graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca.
Best, FGS Awards Team
participants (1)
Graduate Communications