FGS Announcements for the week ending January 23, 2009

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 23 January 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2383&letter=E*
March 15 Agriculture Architecture Business Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colloquium Announcement: Sense and Sustainability at the Université de Montréal
Sense and Sustainability at the Université de Montréal Département d'études anglaises March 13 - 14, 2009
Keynote speaker Clive Doucet, poet & author of Urban Meltdown (2007)
The English Graduate Student Society of the /Département d'études anglaises /at the /Université de Montréal /invites all graduate students to this historic multilingual city to attend our sixth annual colloquium 'Sense and Sustainability: Green approaches to reading', from Friday March 13th to Saturday March 14th, 2009, located in the beautiful Pavillion Jean-Coutu.
Send your 250-word abstract to submissions@egss-umontreal.org mailto:submissions@egss-umontreal.org by January 31, 2009.For CFP see: www.egss-umontreal.org http://www.egss-umontreal.org
*PHDs Interested in Work in Saudi Arabia?*
King Saud University, invites distinguished PhD holders in the fields of Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer Sciences and Business Administration to join as University Staff.
1. PhD holders from well-respected universities in Europe, New Zealand, Australia and/or USA/Canada 2. With experience both in teaching and research
*Features: *
1. Salary about $ 30,000.00 - 80,000.00 per Annum. 2. Accommodation allowance. 3. Annual air tickets up to 4 persons "Business class". 4. Free medical care. 5. Tax free
*Please send your application and CVs to:** **ndaghri@ksu.edu.sa mailto:ndaghri@ksu.edu.sa* For more information please visit www.ksu.edu.sa http://www.ksu.edu.sa/ http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/5781/default.aspx
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) * http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/112.htm
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits) continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of Manitoba;
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjuction with the International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international tuition fee differential.
*The Canadian Arthritis Network: 2009 Pilot Grant Program (PGP)* for******* new investigators*
The Canadian Arthritis Network, a federally-funded organization that funds arthritis research, supports trainees and acts as a facilitator to connect the leading players in the arthritis research community, has recently launched an* open competition*** for pilot operating funds.**
The******* 2009 Pilot Grant Program (PGP)* for******* new investigators* aims to support new researchers who are establishing their careers in arthritis in the areas of Osteoarthritis (OA), Inflammatory Joint Diseases (IJD) or Bioengineering for the Restoration of Joint Function (BIO). The program will provide one-time funding to innovative research proposals submitted by eligible applicants.
Eligibility: new investigators who, at the time of the application:
· are within three years of receiving their first academic appointment; · hold an appointment as an independent investigator at a CIHR eligible institution at the time of taking up the award, and throughout the term of the award;
· who do not hold (or have not held) peer-reviewed operating funds as a Principal Investigator totalling greater than $30,000.
· Up to $50,000 is available from the Canadian Arthritis Network for this award.
*Application Deadlines*
· Registration deadline: Monday, February 2, 2009 · Submission deadline: Monday, February 16, 2009
A Registration form and Grant Review Selection Process form have been attached for those interested in applying for funding. These forms, and other relevant information, are also available on the Canadian Arthritis Network's website here: _http://www.arthritisnetwork.ca/r_and_d/randd_researchpro_en.php#pgp_ http://www.arthritisnetwork.ca/r_and_d/randd_researchpro_en.php
Any questions should be directed to Stefanie Cara at 416-586-4800 ext. 5164 or _scara@mtsinai.on.ca_ mailto:scara@mtsinai.on.ca.
2009 U of M Political Studies Students' Conference: "The Never-Ending Story? Conflicts in the Middle East"
The organising committee for the 2009 U of M Political Studies Students' Conference (PSSC) entitled "The Never-Ending Story? Conflicts in the Middle East", would like to extend an invitation for all graduate students at the U of M.
Briefly, the conference is being held between *January 28-30* and seeks to engage students, leading academics and the public in an open forum to explore a range of key challenges that confront the MIddle East. There will be eighteen guest speakers on six panels to discuss topics that include: "The Israeli-Palestinian Question", "Social Conflict: Religion and Political Culture", "Economic Conflict: Oil and Water", "Military Conflict: Proliferation", "Geopolitical Conflict: Territory and External Powers" and "Canada, Conflict and the MIddle East."
Also, the keynote speaker is Michael Bell. He is from the University of Windsor and was the former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. He recently gave an interview to the Globe and Mail about the current crisis in Gaza.
The conference is located at the Great Hall (University College building) at the University of Manitoba. A question period will follow each panel.
We also have a website at www.umpssc.ca http://www.umpssc.ca/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Enza Pohl