FGS Announcement addition, for week ending January 23, 2009

To All Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message was sent to graduate students.*
DR. RICHARD DOUGLAS OATWAY MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP* *Research Fields *Law, Psychology, Sociology *Categories * No categories available *Citizenship * Unrestricted *Eligibility * This award is to support the study of adult harassment. The fellowship will be offered to a student who: 1. is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in either a Master's or Doctoral program delivered by the Faculty of Law, the Department of Psychology, or the Department of Sociology; 2. has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5 (or equivalent) based on the last 60 credit hours (or two full years or equivalent) of university study; 3. has undertaken or has proposed to undertake research focused on issues related to adult harassment (non-physical, non-sexual, mental, emotional, and/or psychological), including but not limited to its causation, the motivations or psychodynamics of the perpetrator, implications for the victim's life and well-being, and/or legal aspects. *Value *TBD *Currency *Canadian *Tenable at * Tenable at the University of Manitoba *Deadlines* *February 2* *Application Details * Applicants will be required to submit an application which will consist of a description of their proposed research or ongoing research (maximum 500 words), a current academic transcript(s), and two academic letters of reference from professors at a post-secondary institution. Recipients may hold the Dr. Richard Douglas Oatway Memorial Fellowship concurrently with any other awards, consistent with policies in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A recipient may not hold the Fellowship more than twice.
Contact: Christal Barkman at barkman@cc.umanitoba.ca mailto:barkman@cc.umanitoba.ca or 204-474-6827.
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Enza Pohl