FGS Upcoming Awards and Other Opportunities – April 6, 2022
[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies] ________________________________ Upcoming Award Deadlines Click here for a full listing of upcoming award deadlineshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid
If you have any questions or concerns about award application requirements, eligibility, or deadlines, please contact the Graduate Awards team at graduate.awards@umanitoba.camailto:graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca and we will be happy to assist remotely via email. Your patience is appreciated, and please rest assured that your email will receive a response as soon as possible based on priorities and time-sensitivity.
NANCIE J. MAURO GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP IN ONCOLOGY RESEARCHhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2942&letter=M Two prizes valued at $7,150 each · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Oncology, Medicine, Nursing, Postgraduate Medical Education Program Deadline: April 6, 2022 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2942&letter=M
PURSUIT AWARDhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3691&letter=P Up to three cash prizes will be awarded: $3,000 / $2,000 / $1,000 · For PhD, Postdoctoral trainee, or recent graduate (within one year of receiving their PhD) Research Field(s): The focus of the graduate student’s research must be in applied or clinical research in childhood disability. Finalists are chosen based on significance of research results, methodological rigour, empirical content, and impact on childhood disability care. Deadline: April 15, 2022 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3691&letter=P
McCRORIE-WEST FAMILY FELLOWSHIP FOR ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCHhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2552&letter=M 1 new award and 1 renewal award, up to a maximum of approx. $5,000 each · For PhD students Research Field(s): Unrestricted Application Details: For promising Ph.D students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba who have an outstanding academic record and have demonstrated an aptitude for conducting research directly related to finding a treatment or cure for Alzheimer disease. Students who apply for this award will also be considered for the Eirikur & Thorbjorg Stephanson Scholarship. Application opens April 1 Deadline: May 27, 2022 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2552&letter=M
EIRIKUR AND THORBJORG STEPHANSON SCHOLARSHIPhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3715&letter=S 1 award up to a maximum of $3,550 · For PhD students Research Field(s): Unrestricted Application Details: For a full-time Ph.D. student in good academic standing who has demonstrated an aptitude for conducting research directly related to finding a treatment or cure for Alzheimer's disease, and who is conducting research in the Province of Manitoba in the year in which the award is tenable. Students applying for this award will also be considered for the McCrorie-West Family Fellowship for Alzheimer's Research. Application opens April 1 Deadline: May 27, 2022 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3715&letter=S
URISA ALBERTA GRADUATE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPhttps://www.urisab.org/scholarships/ $300 awarded to first place and a guaranteed slot to present at an upcoming Student Showcase lunch hour webinar. Also, the top three submissions receive a one-year URISA Alberta student membership and publication of their projects on the URISA Alberta websitehttps://www.urisab.org/scholarships/. · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Research in the area of GIS and/or remote sensing within the past year at a higher educational institution in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba are eligible to apply. Deadline: May 31, 2022 More Infohttps://www.urisab.org/scholarships/
KATHRYN HUGET LEADERSHIP AWARDhttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3673&letter=H Minimum $1,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): Students must be studying at the Master’s or PhD level, preferably studying in the areas of: organizational behaviour, business administration, business and commerce, sociology or psychology. Awarded to any individual, with preference given to female students currently in leadership roles, whose focus is to improve the business workplace for women. Deadline: June 30, 2022 More Infohttp://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3673&letter=H
JOHN W. DAVIES MEMORIAL AWARDhttps://communities.sname.org/arcticsection/scholarshipinfo/new-item Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Arctic Section (SNAME AS) One award of $3,000 · For Master's & PhD students Research Field(s): The competition is open to any full time graduate student at a recognized University in Canada or the US State of Alaska whose research will assist in providing solutions to problems encountered in the Arctic or in cold ocean environments. Specifically the research may be in the areas of: marine transportation, development of offshore resources, eco-systems interaction with development of Arctic/cold ocean resources, climate change impact in marine cold regions, or special areas of research for Arctic/cold ocean environments. Deadline: June 30, 2022 More Infohttps://communities.sname.org/arcticsection/scholarshipinfo/new-item
MCCALL MACBAIN FOUNDATIONhttps://mccallmacbainscholars.org/apply/ Up to 30 full scholarships and 80 entrance awards of $5,000 or $10,000 each. The scholarship will cover full tuition & fees for a full-time master’s program or a second-entry professional undergraduate program (i.e. dentistry, law, or medicine) at McGill, starting in Fall 2023. It will also provide students with a living stipend of $2,000 per month during academic terms. · For Master's students Research Field(s): These scholarships will be offered to candidates who demonstrate character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity. Candidates must have Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, or refugee status and have their bachelor’s degree (or be on track to graduate by August 2023). Deadline: Opens June 2022 / Closes September 21, 2022 More Infohttps://mccallmacbainscholars.org/apply/
________________________________ Faculty of Graduate Studieshttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/ · 500 University Centre · Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/umanitoba/ · Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/ · Awards FAQhttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate-studies/funding-awards-and-financial-aid/award-application-support
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