Dear all
Within short time new "pre-public" versions of EpiData Software (Manager, EntryClient and Analysis) will appear on the testing.php page of EpiData. Apart from bug fixes the main upgrading is in Analysis. A dedicated mail will be posted once the updates are placed there.
Another issue is that a few users have asked when EpiData software will be available for the MacOS Catalina. This is not to easy to answer since it seems that Apple has applied further special restrictions.
In short we can guide you with this (unfortunated) message:
Mac users of Epidata software should not upgrade their operating system to MacOS Catalina. Current Mac versions of Epidata will not run under this most recent version of MacOS because of restrictions Apple has put into the operating system. We are working on 64-bit Mac versions of the software that can be installed on MacOS Catalina and will advise users when these are ready.
More news on this later when the tests are more extensive and time has permitted the development.
Best wishes to all
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark