Dear list, I am thinking of designing a monitoring system for a short-term community hospital ward with 9 beds
Among variables are
Patient ID indate (admission date) <dd/mm/yyyy> inhour admission hour ## outdate (discharge date) <dd/mm/yyyy> outhour discharge hour ## (not always recorded)
Age, sex diagnose1, diagnose2 diagnose3, treatment elements etc.
Does anybody have a hint on how I can monitor utilization rate, i.e. how many beds are occupied each day, and average utilization rate per week?
In Epi Info I would put up a sequence of commands that runs through the datafile for each consecutive day to count number of patients. in EpiInfo the PROCESS command would run thhrough the file and do the maths
I thought a defined variable inhouse # and a counter date gen d testdate ="01/09/2013" // Opening date
if testdate < today then if testdate >=indate and testdate <=outdate then inhouse=1 else inhouse=0 endif testdate=testdate + 1 else goto end endif
Then route to an aggregate file date, count.
But there seems to be no equivalent command in EpiData. I have not figured out if aggregate or stab could be used for such a purpose. Anye ideas or hints?
Best Regards Vegard Høgli Community Medical Officer Skien, Norway