Hi! When trying to create a Codebook I get an access violation error. I have tried to carefully revise the check file with no result. The error seems to be related to only fields named with the pattern "xxxcom" which all are string variables. -If I choose all fields before "xxxcom" the Codebook for those variables will be created without error. -If I only check "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check variables before and after "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check only variables after "xxxcom" -->no error
Error message: "Access violation at address 00403347 in module 'EpiData.exe' Read of address 393938FB"
Epidata 3.1 (270108) Windows XP Pro
Thanks for help
Jonas Malmstedt, MD Department of Vascular Surgery, N1:06 Karolinska University Hospital SE-171 76 Stockholm
PS I have also noticed another problem: smtimes EpiData Will not read *.not and *.rec files. I get an error telling me that the file name are not valid or the file is used. When I try to open the same file not NotePad - no problem! DS