Dear Christine:
The restricted page is reserved for course participants in an upcoming course in Tartu. However, similar material is available on the same site in the navigation panel under "Epidemiology". On the opening page click on the "TBRiederEpiFlash" to watch (and listen) online or download the zip file and unzip to your PC and watch / listen offline.
As you noted, the teaching material on EpiData has been developed by Jens Lauritsen and myself over several years of closely working together and is continuously updated. It has tremendously benefited from colleagues such as Ajay Kumar, Nguyen Binh Hoa, and Zaw Myo Tun to name just a few (the whole background and acknowledgments are in the beginning of the course material) In a next step we will adjust Part B to switch to reading *.epx files (rather than as currently *.REC / *.CHK).
Best regards,
Hi Hans
Thank you for giving the link to the module, I was very interested to read through it as it is the first time I have seen teaching material using the new version of Epidata. I see there is also a link to a presentation on the site but it takes you to a restricted area that needs a password. Are the presentations available through a public site at all? It would be good to watch this material being taught
Many thanks