Well done-see below. The new .epx format is more readable as well. Jamie
On 2011-08-24, at 10:38 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear All
As previously announced the programs released today have had a significant change to the underlying structure of the project file (the .epx/.epz XML structure).
The reason for this is that the previous structure could not be described by a XML Schema file. A schema file is a standardised way of describing the structure and internal logic of an XML file. Some of the logical properties of the structure were inconsistent and therefore changed.
This has as a positive "side effect" that the overall loading and saving time for a project file has improved quite a bit.
My speed test on my large data set (500 fields): load from .rec in Manager - 4 seconds; save: no delay at all; load in Entry Client: 2 seconds