Dear EpiData friends,
Im in project about adverse events of a particular kind of patients using some medications. The data entry has a rationale of every adverse event of a single patient has a different questionnaire.
This means that a unique number of the patient could be typed in the dataset more than once. So far ... OK
But we are plannig a double entry... and than the unique identifier of the patient may couse problmes and errors!
So I was thinking about creating a sequence for each adverse event, and than a patient 19230 would have a event A, B,C .... and so on
A unique variable could be automaticly created by patientnumber+uniqueevent wich could give something like 19230A, 19230B, 19230C and so on!
But this does not seem to me an elegante work around!
Does any one else have other suggestions?
participants (1)