Backup command: make routine snapshots without replacing previous backup (TIME STAMP?)

With sufficient patience and testing any name structure can be given for a backup file. Here shown with calling of the external file epic. Some adaptation of the command line is necessary, which is why the backup command was developed.
This block will ask whether to create a zip file with the name of todays date using an external application epic.exe - it can be a little (often quite) tedious to work out the parameters to execute, but do so first in a command window outside epidata entry.
Include in the chk file this "after file" block, which names the zip file by date, hour and minute:
after file help "Create zip file ? 1:yes 2:no" keys="12" type=CONFIRMATION if resultvalue = 1 then define tmpz _________________________________________________ let tmpz = "zip c:\temp\first"+string(day(today)) if month(today) < 10 then tmpz = tmpz + "0" + string(month(today)) + string(year(today)) + string(Num2Time(Now)) + " replace first.*" else tmpz = tmpz + string(month(today))+ string(year(today)) + string(Num2Time(Now)) +" replace first.*" endif help @tmpz execute epic "@tmpz" wait endif END
Regards Jens Lauritsen
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