Dear Students,
Please read this e-mail carefully. It contains important information about the first week of the MAHN program.
The MAHN program orientation schedule is attached. Attendance at all events during MAHN orientation are mandatory including the FHNS graduate studies orientation on Monday morning. You are required to attend all sessions, to arrive on time and to remain for the entre session/day as per the orientation schedule.
During our introductory meetings in May, some of you indicated an interest in receiving readings ahead of time to start preparing for the MAHN program. Attached is a list of readings that must be completed by Sunday September 8. If you wish, you can complete the readings before the program starts. You will be required to complete a quiz on the attached readings. That quiz will be available to you starting orientation week. The first few weeks of the program are intense with a lot of assigned readings and new information.
Sunday September 15 will be the due date to complete the Dietitians of Canada "Swallow Screen and Assessment Course". This course will take 5 to 6 hours to complete and will be available at no cost to you. If you are not satisfied with your grade for this course and wish to do a rewrite you may do so at your own expense. This course counts toward 2.5% of your grade for HNSC 7700. We expect to obtain the registration code for the course from Dietitians of Canada soon and will share it with you via e-mail as soon as we have it. You can work ahead on this assignment if you choose. Be sure to retain your certificate of completion as you will be required to submit the certificate on UM learn by September 15.
At this time, all student communication related to the MAHN program must be directed to MAHN.info@umanitoba.camailto:MAHN.info@umanitoba.ca . The MAHN Program Assistant will direct the e-mail to the appropriate person for response. E-mails sent directly to the MAHN Coordinator or MAHN Preceptor Liaison will not be responded to. We receive numerous e-mails each day and having the MAHN Program Assistant manage, and triage e-mails helps to ensure e-mails are not missed.
Required Materials for the Practicum Courses (7700, 7710 and 7720):
* A printed copy of the WRHA Clinical Nutrition Handbook pdf. We have printed copies available for purchase at the UM Bookstore for $17.50+ tax. If you prefer to print your own copy, a PDF version of the handbook will be available on the UM Learn 7700 course page which will be available starting orientation week. A printed copy of the handbook is required for Nutrition Refresher week, experiential learning weeks and all nutrition care placements. * A scientific calculator is required for Nutrition Refresher week, experiential learning weeks and all nutrition care placements. * A 3-ring binder is required for orientation, nutrition refresher week, experiential learning weeks and all placements.
We look forward to seeing you on September 3.
The MAHN Team